Enhancement of Selective Bioflocculation of (Quartz- Pyrolusite-Hematite) System Using Paenibacillus polymyxa Bacteria
Paenibacillus polymyxa was used in pretreatment of hematite to facilitate the flocculation removal of quartz and pyrolusite minerals. The adsorption results showed that the affinity of P. polymyxa to the three minerals according to the order: pyrolusite> quartz >hematite all over the pH range. On applying P. polymyxa bacterial strain, to be used as sole flocculating reagent, to selectively separate hematite from its mixture with pyrolusite at pH 6.5 and 5x109 cell/ml succeeded in the removal of 73.5 % of MnO2 as a concentrate containing about 2.65% MnO2 was obtained from a feed containing about 9.97 % MnO2 with 77 % Wt. % flocculated. Applying the same conditions for flocculation of a natural iron ore yielded a concentrate containing 2.54% MnO2, 0.25% SiO2 and 74.40% Fe2O3 with a recovery of 75% from a feed containing 8.79% MnO2 , 0.49% SiO2 and 67.90% Fe2O3. In this paper, the role of Paenibacillus polymyxa on the surface properties of the three single minerals has been studied through zeta potential measurements as well as the adsorption experiments. Complete characterization of both single minerals and bacteria strain have been done using XRF, SEM, and FTIR.
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Ethics and Leadership: Developing a Universal Code for an Evolving Africa
Africa is currently challenged with an eroding ethical leadership base across the continent. The foundation of past ethical thought and exploring authoritative sources has led to a general understanding and consensus of what ethics should subscribe to. Africa, and South Africa in particular, is at a junction where the quest for a renewed spirit and united front for re-establishing an ethical foundation is eminent. Higher education and evolving curriculum in typical leadership programmes is important in sewing a ‘golden thread’ throughout every curriculum thus portraying the critical importance of a renewed thrust in strategic community development globally. To solve the current dilemma that is fragmenting the continent regarding the degeneration of ethical conduct amongst current leadership in Africa, the paper undertakes to concentrate on possible models and the essence thereof for innovative ethical solutions to emerge. Developing higher education global systems and critically evaluating policy, practice and its evolving implementation that incorporates a paradigm of thinking that not only takes into account the past (in-the-box thinking), the current evolving ‘outside-of-the-box’ thinking but explores a shift that encourages teaching, learning and innovation with a renewed higher education basket of tools. The ultimate journey is a new focus on a shift toward ‘without-the-box’ thinking for further development in higher education using a learner-centred approach in a flipped classroom environment thus encouraging a renewed ethos embedded in an innovative future professional that should emerge. The outcome is a renewed approach to revitalise higher education in a fast and vibrant technological global environment, encouraging a new generation of dynamic, strategic African leaders that can address the on-going evolving sustainable development leadership challenges which are currently fragmenting and destabilising the continent.
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Exploring Entrepreneurship Education and Training Programme on Venture’s Creation in Nigeria: A Study of SMEDAN Corper’s Entrepreneurship Development Programme (CEDP)
The aim of this study is to explore entrepreneurship education and training programme in Nigeria, particularly the SMEDAN Corper’s Entrepreneurship Development Programme (CEDP) and the impact of the programme on behavioural and attitudinal changes’ towards venture creation among Nigeria graduates.The research design adopted for this study is qualitative exploratory using an in-depth interview to solicit for first hand information among the purposive selected 8 respondents who have participated in the National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) scheme as well as those who partake in the SMEDAN CEDP in Nigeria. Data collected were transcribed and analysed base on the participant’s opinion and perception on the entrepreneurship education and training programme outcomes of SMEDAN/NYSC Corper’s Entrepreneurship Development Programme (CEDP). The study reveals that the SMEDAN/NYSC Corper’s Entrepreneurship Development Programme (CEDP) does not change the behaviour and attitudes of Nigeria graduates’ towards venture creation because the scheme was identified with faulty curriculum, lack of practical training pedagogy, inadequate entrepreneurship background knowledge of the trainers and majorly lack of workable EET model to follow by SMEDAN during the training. Again, most participants attributed their inability to set-up business or venture creation basically to lack of funds after the EET. The study is limited to SMEDAN/NYSC Corper’s Entrepreneurship Development Programme (CEDP) to explore the effect of the EET on venture creation. Further studies can be conducted on other interventionist agencies in Nigeria to measure the impact of EET quantitatively in order to have a more generalise conclusions. This study basically provide an insight into how Entrepreneurship Education and Training (EET) programme is carried out in Nigeria with special focus on SMEDAN/NYSC Corper’s Entrepreneurship Development Programme (CEDP) towards venture creation and changes in behaviours, as well as the attitudes of prospective entrepreneurs using an effective EET models. This study added to the understanding of Entrepreneurship Education and Training (EET) programmes and how the programmes can lead to venture creation in Nigeria context.
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Forced migration & asylum claims on the basis of sexual orientation: a demand of justice under the refugee law
Sex, Gender and Sexual orientation are a deep rooted part of human identity. Unfortunately sexual orientation is not explicitly documented in any international human rights documents and humanitarian laws. Except Heterosexual orientation, no others are in mainstream. Undoubtly Sexual Minority (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI)) is also part of human community, so as they are entitled to all human rights on an equal basis with others. But homosexuality is punishable in several countries and misleadingly members of sexual minority people considered as homosexuals further Criminals. Extralegal violence and Discrimination against those are also common. Sexual minorities are forced to remain underground. LGBTI individuals are forced to lead lives in secrete. Despite recent steps forward in the recognition of sexual minority’s rights, the persecution of these people because of their sexual orientation and gender identity is going on continuously. Persecution directed against individuals because of their real or presumed sexual orientation is also a humanitarian issue, as is any persecution. Determination of Refugee Claims based on sexual orientation needs special attention. There are legitimate claims for LGBTI people to gain refugee status under the 1951 UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (the Geneva Convention”). This Article examines the causes of persecution on the basis of sexual orientation moreover how International Law is embarking upon the problem, most notably the regional legal approach on this issue of persecution, This article suggests that there is a discernible national response in the courts and tribunals of all over world to sexual orientation-based refugee claims.
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Formulation and Characterization of Telmisartan Solid Dispersions by using PEG-6000
This article investigates enhancement Solubility is an important physicochemical factor affecting absorption of drug and it’s therapeutic of the dissolution profile of Telmisartan effectiveness. Consequences of poor aqueous solubility would lead to failure in formulation development. Telmisartan is an angiotensin II receptor antagonist which is used in the prevention and treatment of Hypertension. One of the major problems with it is its low solubility in biological fluids, which results into poor bioavailability after oral administration (~42%) and late onset of action poorly soluble drug, Telmisartan. Solid dispersions were prepared using Polyethylene glycol-6000 (PEG-6000). Telmisartan solid dispersions were prepared in 1:1, ratios of the drug to polymer ratio & it’s applied to different techniques of Solid dispersion (by weight) like using Physical mixing, Kneading method solvent evaporation method & fusion method. The formulations were characterized for solubility parameters; drug content studies drug release studies and drug-polymer interactions by using FTIR spectrum & X-RD. Formulation Containing 1:1 ratio of drug: PEG-6000 (Kneading method) show best release with cumulative release of 45.53% as compared to 98.37% for the pure drug. The interaction studies showed no interaction between the drug and polymer, it was concluded that PEG -6000 as carrier can be very well utilize to improve the solubility of poorly soluble drugs.
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Hypoglycemic and antioxidant effects of Opuntia streptacantha cladodes juice in alloxan-induced diabetic rats
We assessed the hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic as well as the antioxidant potential effects of the Opuntia streptacantha cladodes juice (OSCJ) in alloxan-induced diabetic rats (140 mg/kg of body weight (bw)). The results evidenced that alloxan-induced diabete, caused weight loss, polyphagia, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia and the disturbance of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant systems. The daily oral administration of OSCJ (30 g/kg of b.w during 4 weeks) to diabetic rats clearly improved the antioxidant status in liver and kidney. Such fact is materialized by a decrease in the lipid peroxidation product, thiobarbituric acid-reacting substances (TBARS) level and an increase in glutathione peroxidase (GPX), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities. Histopathological investigation of the pancreatic tissue of alloxan-diabetic rats indicated the presence of necrosis in the islets of Langerhans cells. The curative effect of OSCJ was well evidenced by normal islets of Langerhans cells, which explain its antidiabetic effect.
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Impacts of acceptance on self-esteem
The present study was designed to explore the impacts of acceptance and rejection on self-esteem of adolescents. In order to measure the self-esteem of adolescents a rating scale developed by Rifai (1999) was used. Factor Loading Self-esteem Scale consists of 26 items and four factors that were; Self-Acceptance (AC), Self-Competence (SC), Physical Acceptance (PA), Social Acceptance (SA) and Academic Competence (AC). The population consists of 46 female and 54 male adolescents. After data collection reliability, mean and SD were computed. Study found that there is a positive relationship between acceptance-rejection and self-esteem. Adolescents, whose mothers are homemakers, get more acceptances from their parents and friends as compared to those adolescents whose mothers are working outside home.
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Impacts of Boko Haram Insurgency on Educational Development in Nigeria: An Empirical Overview
The study assessed with empirical analysis Impacts of Boko Haram insurgency on educational development in Nigeria. A sample of 120 (34.2%) lecturers and 220 (62.8%) students was drawn from a population of 340 in four (4) faculties of education, humanities, social sciences and management sciences in Ignatus Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt, with the use of clustered random sampling technique. Mean was used to answer six (6) research questions while t-test was used to test one (1) null hypothesis at 0.5 level of significance. Findings revealed that Boko Haram insurgency impacted on school children (students), school teachers, teaching and learning, school administration and on school host communities. The study concluded that traumatization, anxiety, academic imbalance, apathy, high incident of school dropouts, loss of concentration in class, low instructional delivery, disruption of examinations, destruction of school buildings/facilities, abduction of school administrators, displacement of families, disintegration of family ties, loss of community norms and values, are some of the impacts of Boko Haram insurgency. t-test analysis of one null hypothesis (Ho1) indicated that there was no significant difference in the means of lecturers and students hence Ho1 was not rejected. The followings among others were therefore recommended: strict border controls, democracy and good governance, perimeter fence for all schools, security budgets for school administrators, unemployment, poverty, deprivation should be addressed, community vigilantes should be re-invigorated, adequate funding for security operations in Nigeria and religious tolerance. Key Words: Impacts, Boko Haram, Insurgency, education, development.
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In Built Stress Analysis in Mobile Operating Systems
In this paper we are providing an idea of implementing stress analysis algorithms in the basic user interface of the operating system. There are four methods provided from which the user can be analyzed for stress levels by using general usage of his/her cell phone. The mobile device not just performs the task of stress analysis but it also notifies the user if the stress levels go above a critical limit and also notifies the related doctor if the patient ignores the constant notification by the cell phone.
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Inner product space in Fourier approximation
Let f be an element and S a subset of a normed linear space x. A basic Problem of approximation theory is to find an element of S, which is as close as possible to f, i.e. seek an element S* of S such that ? f - S*? ? ?f - s? for all S* in S. This work seeks to use the fourier approximation method using the Inner product space to obtain a best approximation of functions. The fourier approximation in calculus is shown to be a special least square approximation. Define an inner product and norm on c[ -?, ?] by the equation. f.g =?_(-?)^??f(x) g(x)dx and ? f ?= [?_(-?)^??f^2 (x)dx]^(1/2) L Let Jn be the set of all trigonometric polynomial of degree at most n. We seek S* of Jn such that the integral ?_(-?)^?[f (x) - S* (x)] 2dx is minimum. The inner product space, or orthogonal projections, least square approximations and Fourier approximations are defined. The inner product space and orthogonal projection are applied to the least square approximation and subsequently to Fourier approximation in calculus.
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