Mr. Farhan Lafta Rashid joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 28th February 2013
We are very happy to announce that from 28th February 2013, Mr. Farhan Lafta Rashid has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Mechanical Engineering. Mr. Farhan Lafta Rashid is currently working as Head of Renewable Energy Section, Ministry of Science & Technology, Babil-Iraq. The appointment of Mr. Farhan Lafta Rashid as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to Sincerely Editor-in-Chief
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Mr. Mallavolu Malleswara Rao joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 25th August 2016
We are very happy to announce that from 25th August 2016,Mr. Mallavolu Malleswara Rao has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He/She will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Electrical & Electronics Engineering. Mr. Mallavolu Malleswara Rao working as Assistant Professor, RISE Prakasam Group of institutions, Ongole (A.P), India. The appointment of Mr. Mallavolu Malleswara Rao as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to
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Multivariate dual to ratio type estimators using arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means in simple random sampling
Auxiliary variable is extensively used in survey sampling to improve the precision of estimates. Whenever there is availability of auxiliary information, we want to utilize it in the method of estimation to obtain the most efficient estimator. In this paper using multi-auxiliary information we have proposed estimators based on arithmetic, geometric and harmonic mean. It was also shown that estimator based on harmonic and geometric means are more biased than estimator based on arithmetic mean under certain conditions. However, the MSE of all three estimators are same up to the first order of approximation.
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Notes on interval valued fuzzy subhemirings of a hemiring
In this paper, we study some of the properties of interval valued fuzzy subhemiring of a hemiring and prove some results on these.
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Pharmacoeconomics-A Review
Pharmacoeconomics is the branch of economics that applies cost-benefit, cost-effectiveness, cost-minimization, and cost-utility analyses to compare the economics of different pharmaceutical products or drug therapy to non-drug treatments. Pharmacoeconomics is the benchmark for practical authoritative reviews of the application of health economics and pharmacoeconomics to optimum drug therapy in disease management. Pharmacoeconomics has been defined as “the description and analysis of the costs of drug therapy to health care systems and society” .Pharmacoeconomics research identifies, measures, and compares the costs (i.e., resources consumed) and consequences (i.e., clinical, economics, humanistic) of pharmaceutical products and services. Within this framework are included the research methods related to cost – minimization, cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit, cost-of-illness, cost-utility, cost-consequences, and decision analysis, as well as quality –of-life and other humanistic assessments. In essence, Pharmacoeconomics analysis uses tools for examining the impact (desirable, undesirable) of alternative drug therapies and other medical interventions.
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Preliminary interpretation of gravity mapping over the NJABA sub-basin of southeastern Nigeria: an implication to petroleum potential
Gravity data were acquired along two profiles in some parts of the Njaba River sub-basin located in Southeastern Nigeria. Profile A-A’ runs for about 30 kilometers from Ogbaku to Oguta lake and Profile B-B’ (covers about 12km) runs from Mgbidi to Oguta lake with the end of the two profiles meeting at the lake. The corrected data is interpreted to prove the petroleum potentiality of the study area. The Bouguer gravity anomaly along Profile A-A’ revealed an initial positive gravity values (+50 to +10 g.u.) to a wavelength (distance) of about 21km and then followed by a sudden drop of the observed gravity showing a significant gravity minimum to a value of about -150 g.u. Profile B-B’ showed an alternating gravity highs and lows which was followed by a sharp drop in the observed gravity (-140 g.u.) when getting close to Oguta lake where the ends of the two profiles (A’ and B’) met. Further investigation showed that the structure modeled is graben (gravity low) and horsts (gravity high) bounded by two normal faults. The gravity high observed is due to the lesser density contrasts between the sediments and the basement, that is, the basement is closer to the surface (when compared with the areas showing negative anomaly) which could be explained to have resulted from the upwarping of the crust. The area showing gravity low shows thick sedimentary accumulation of recently deposited alluvium deposits deposited in the subsided area bounded by these two faults. The structural framework of the parts of the Njaba River sub-basin studied in particularly the northwestern part of the sub-basin in which structural faults and thick sediment pile were observed suggests an environment favorable for large-scale entrapment of hydrocarbons. This is justified by the ongoing exploration and exploitation of petroleum resources in the area and its environs (Oguta, Izombe, and Ossu oil fields). Further geologic and geophysical (3D seismic survey) studies is recommended to accurately map and obtain more information on the subsurface geological structures and stratigraphy of the sub-basin.
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Self tissue expanders in facial scar correction
In facial scar correction, there is a shortage of soft tissue. Hence, reconstruction using tissue from surrounding areas needs to be performed. However, the tissue from distant area does not guarantee similarity in color, function and texture. Further, additional scars in the donor site are also inevitable. Replacement using tissue with similar colour and texture is one of the major challenges in facial reconstruction. In order to overcome this hurdle, tissue expanders are used. This has become a more practical and easy way of facial reconstruction surgeries.
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Simulation of 3 State Inverter Using Different Materials
This paper provides the simulation of 3 state inverter with different materials and compare the Leakage Current. Material which has the less Leakage Current is considered as better material for the designing of inverter. In previous time the mosfet is design by the combination of silicon and silicon oxide now we are using gallium arsenide and silicon dioxide as one combination and gallium arsenide and silicon nitride as another combination.
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Smart Systems in Iranian Contemporary Architecture
Utilization of Smart Systems is considered as a matter of significance in the world current construction industry. The study is to take the issue into analysis in Iran, as a developing country through answering the following questions: What are the main challenges regarding the usage of Smart Materials and Structures in Iranian Contemporary Architecture? And how can we describe a new horizon for the usage of Smart Systems in Iranian Contemporary Architecture? The research is based on the survey method, adopting the case-study and combined strategies along with the descriptive-analytic and comparative-analytic tactics. The study shows that the use of technology and especially New Technologies like Smart Materials and Structure has been sufficed to the buildings appearance aspects and there is no serious effort to improve the buildings qualitative features through the real technological potentials. The serious pragmatic attention to New Technologies capacities in both the theoretical and practical areas or the architectural education and profession is considered as the efficient solution for the discussed problem.
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Stomach Infrastructure in His Name: A Critique of Pentecostalism
“Stomach infrastructure” is a jocular slang that was coined in the heat of the build-up towards the Ekiti State gubernatorial elections that took place on the 21st of June, 2014. One interesting highlight of the campaign was the wooing of prospective voters with things that could appeal to the masses like foodstuffs, money, recharge cards, etc, by the gubernatorial challenger. He ended up defeating the incumbent in a landslide victory. Hence, the term “stomach infrastructure” is used widely to describe petty inducements and bribes. It is also used to describe materialism, and the love of pleasurable things.This paper seeks to examine Pentecostalism and the impact it has on the lives of Nigerians. It also seeks to clarify the role of material or worldly wealth in the Pentecostal brand of the Gospel.
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