Study of T-Joints in Welding By Finite-Element Method and Ultrasonic Testing
In this paper, we model the arc welding process by ANSYS software, the defects of weld joints is discussed. Ultrasonic techniques have been used for this purpose. An integrated comprehensive 3D model has been developed to study the transport phenomena in welding.. This includes the arc plasma, droplet generacoppertion, transfer and impingement onto the weld pool, and weld pool dynamics. Ultrasonic Testing (UT) uses high frequency sound waves to conduct examinations and make measurements. In this paper, T-shaped junction has been modeled in the software environment. The circuit model of an element is used to simulate carbon steel. UltraSonic attachment method has been studied. The optimization model is derived.
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Teacher’s leadership giving Influence to the teaching and learning process in the classroom
As an ability of a person influence a group of other people toward achievement targeted goal an organization is a leadership. School situation gives to most impact to school leadership, to the classroom and also to the administration. Classroom practiced by the teachers not only giving impact to the achievement of the classroom itself but to all of the person in the classroom. This article writes how role the teacher leadership has developed and influence classroom teaching and learning.
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The differences between pre-intermediate and advanced learners' sources of Syntactic errors
To investigate the differences between advanced and (lower) intermediate learners' sources of errors, two groups of eighty homogenous EFL Iranian learners were selected. The first group were eighty advanced English learners of one institute in Kerman at FCE (pre-intermediate level) level and the second group were eighty lower intermediate English learners of the same institute at COMB 1 (advanced) level. The researcher observed the subjects' performances and made a ten-hour audio-recording of their performances. The recorded tapes were transcribed. The findings of the study revealed that firstly, lower intermediate learners committed much more errors than the advanced ones (3360 errors versus 753), having equal time; secondly, there were significant differences between the intermediate and advanced learners' sources of errors. The intermediate learners mostly committed interlingual errors while most advanced learners committed intralingual errors. Both groups committed idiosyncratic errors too. Thirdly, there were meaningful differences between the two proficiency groups' types of intralingual errors; the intermediate learners committed much more overgeneralization and undergeneralization errors than the advanced learners, while both groups had equal faulty categorization errors.
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The role of Suhair Al-Qalamavi on Egypt Literature Revolution
Egypt is pioneer on all fields of literature especially on translation and issuing western thoughts among intellectuals and scientists. In fact, most historians believe that France emperor "Napeleon BonaParte" attack to Egypt provoked "Arab Spring" that started from Egypt. Narrating and proceeding children’s literature prepare the ground for developing the covert talents among authors.Suhair Al-Qalamavi was a symbol of Arab educated woman and a pioneer on advocating Egyptian women rights .Having entered to the university, she was favored by most of the professors at Cairo University, especially Dr. Taha Hossein. Her voluble language on stories made readers fallow the scenario and satisfied the addressers to perceive the texts easily. As a literal critic, Al-Qalamavi was writing for Cairo’s prominent press. She studied the works of many great scholars as "Taha Hossein", "Mohammad Heikal", "Mohammad Abduh, etc. and criticized some of them . The present study intends to study the literary role of great Egyptian women as Suhair Al-Qalamavi as a pioneer based on their activities and literary works, to show the equal role of men and women in Islamic Society.
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Triangle Wave Averaging Multiplier – A Review
The triangle wave averaging multiplier is reformed and designed using operational amplifiers. The input voltages V1 and V2 are added with a reference triangle wave of peak value VT, to get a voltage VX. The triangle wave is added with one input voltage V1 and subtracted with another input voltage V2, to get a voltage VY. The voltage VX is positive rectified and its average voltage VA is obtained though a low pass filter. The voltage VY is negative rectified and its average voltage VB is obtained through another low pass filter. A summing amplifier is used to get VA-VB-V1. The output voltage of this summing amplifier is the output voltage VO which is proportional to the product of the two input voltages. The peak value VT of the triangular wave is the proportional constant and it should be stable and precession. Verification of feasibility of circuit configuration is established by way of test results on a proto type.
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A Combined DCT-DWT based Watermarking Technique for Avoiding Illicit Reproduction using GUI
Now in a days, there is a vast use of images in many applications. Today duplication of any digital items or multimedia have become very easy task. So digital image watermarking technique becomes the best solution for the protection of illicit operation. In this technique some kind of secret data is embedded to the cover image and this information is used for the authentication purpose. In this paper a combined DCT-DWT based watermarking algorithm is proposed in which the secret data is hidden to the lower frequency band of the cover image.
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A Comparative Study on the Impact of Teaching Critical Reading through Pictorial versus Nonpictorial Texts on Iranian EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension
The ultimate goal of each and every learning situation is social skills which help learners become better person for themselves as well as their society. In this line critical reading gives learners mental disciplines and intellectual development and it addresses social issues. Therefore, in the present study, the researchers endeavored to investigate if teaching critical reading through pictorial verses nonpictorial texts can be influential and practical in improving the Iranian EFL learners’ reading comprehension. To fulfil the purpose of this study, after homogenizing the learners, they were divided into three groups, namely two experimental and one control groups. In the end of the term a PET of reading was run and the data analysis showed that there were significant differences between the means of the three groups on the posttest of reading comprehension, and the first experimental group which were taught reading both critically and through pictorial texts outperformed both the second experimental group which were taught only through critical reading with no pictorial texts and control group which were taugh noly through pictorial texts and not critically.
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A novel method for text extraction
Text detection and recognition in real images taken in unconstrained environments, such as street view images, remain surprisingly challenging in Computer Vision. Extraction of text and caption from images and videos is important and in great demand for video retrieval, annotation, indexing and content analysis. In this paper, we propose a text extraction algorithm using Dual Tree Complex transform. It is demonstrated that the proposed method achieved reasonable accuracy of the text extraction for moderately difficult examples.
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A Study of application of ellipsis and lexical cohesion as two types of cohesive devices in subtitling and dubbing: the case of Anne of green gables
This study is a descriptive research attempting to compare and contrast the use of two types of cohesive devices (i.e. lexical cohesion and ellipsis) in the original dialogues of a television serial with the Persian subtitled and dubbed versions of the same dialogues. The data used in this study comprised the dialogues of 10 scenes selected by the researcher from the television serial ‘Ann of Green Gables’ as well as the dubbed and subtitled counterparts of the dialogues of the same scenes. The study sought two objectives: First, it attempted to investigate the original dialogues of the film, in terms of the frequency of the use of the two mentioned types of cohesive devices, and to compare them with the dubbed and subtitled versions; second, it aimed to compare the two types of audio-visual translations (i.e. dubbing and subtitling) to find out how they have dealt with these cohesive devices and what differences exist between these two types of translation in terms of their handling lexical cohesion and ellipsis. For this purpose, the study employed Halliday and Hasan’s (1976) model of cohesive devices. The findings revealed that repetition has the greatest frequency of use among lexical cohesion elements and clausal ellipsis has the greatest frequency among ellipsis types in the original dialogues. The findings also demonstrated that the two translated versions were relatively similar in their handling lexical cohesion but the dubbed version contained a substantially greater number of cases of ellipsis than the subtitled version did. The findings of this research could provide audiovisual translators with information as to how the cohesive elements are differently used in the English dialogues and their Persian translations (subtitled and dubbed dialogues).
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A study of intellectual-cultural aspects of Abu Hanifa Ahmad Ibn Davood IbnVanand Dinavari
Abu Hanifa Dinavari is one of the most prominent scholars of Islamic civilization and the glories of Iranian history and culture with a venerable and high position in various branches of science especially botany, astronomy, mathematics, mechanics, atmosphere science, climate change (Elm al-Anvae), lexicology, literature, grammar and syntax, interpretation of Quran sciences, historiography, and other branches of intellectual sciences and traditional knowledge. His brilliant knowledge and ample publications made him one great scholar among several scientists and knowledgeable scholars of his time, so that he influenced many sciences. However, his scientific status is not as high as what he deserves to be. What has influenced his character more than anything in scientific circles and among scholars is his historiographical approach due to the publication of the complete text of Al-Akhbar at-Tiwal. While criticizing this viewpoint, the present paper attempts to study the scientific-cultural status and function of Abu Hanifa Dinavari in Islamic civilization. Also using a new and comprehensive approach, and by a complete and more deeply approach and in proportion to the effective position of such scholar in Islamic civilization, the study aims to analyze intellectual thinking and different scholarly and scientific aspects of this distinguished scholar. In addition, with a careful and thorough review and introducing Abu Hanifa Dinavari works, different aspects of his knowledge and character will be further clarified in the study.
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