AOP and its impact on software quality
This has been asserted that AOP allows attaining better design quality systems than those built with OOP, namely by reducing scattering and tangling from the research literature. There is limited quantitative and qualitative research supporting those arguments which already were published. Software metrics are very important validating procedure of quality software and software properties of aspect oriented programming (AOP). Object oriented programming (OOP) implementations may suffer certain drawbacks that will affect the design quality of the system and thus its system maintainability, comprehensibility, understandability and testability. Aspect oriented programming (AOP) facilitates with powerful quantification constructs to handle design quality. In this paper, we compare two versions (Java and AspectJ) of observer patterns to further investigate within the context of design quality. We evaluated the system based on the value of these design quality metrics RFC, CBM, LCO and WMC.We claim that the AOP has significance effect on design quality than OOP
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Application of Artificial Immune System for Power Generation Optimization
This paper presents application of artificial immune system for economic dispatch problem of thermal plants. Numerical results of various test systems have been presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithm. In human body the immune system finds virus or bacteria and destroys it. Similarly this technique works. The results achieved from the proposed algorithm are compared with those obtained from differential evolution, particle swarm optimization, PSO Crazy, and GA technique. An artificial immune system is a search technique used in computing to find true or approximate solution to optimization and search problems.
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Coexistence of Phosphate solubilizing bacteria isolated from Sorghum bicolor rhizosphere soil inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (Glomus sp)
The presence of phosphorus in plant material is abundant while the soil phosphorus availability is limited for plants due to their quick transformation to the insoluble form. There are many soil micro-organisms which could enhance the solubility of insoluble phosphate in soils and make it available for plant growth. This study investigates the coexistence of phosphate solubilizing bacteria in the rhizosphere soil of sorghum bicolor pre-inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi (AMF)Glomus sp. The rhizosphere soil sample was collected and the phosphate solubilizing bacteria was enumerated followed by screening for their efficiency to solubilize the insoluble phosphate using pikovskaya’s medium. Based on the solubilization index five bacterial isolates were chosen for further study. All the five phosphate solubilizing bacteria were subjected to morphological and various biochemical tests and were identified as Acinetobacter sp, Bacillus sp, Pseudomonas fluorescence, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Micrococcus sp. The maximum solubilization index was shown by Bacillus sp (1.75cm) followed by Micrococcus sp (1.75cm) on 6th day of incubation and the total soluble inorganic phosphorus production was estimated caloriemetrically which showed the maximum production by Bacillus sp (186 µg/ml) followed by Micrococcus sp (184µg/ml) on 6th day of incubation. The five PSB isolates were associated with the drop in pH with the production of soluble inorganic phosphorus.
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Comparative studies on seed germination and anatomy in Withania somnifera and Sida cordifolia (L.)
The effects of dry-heat and seed soaking in distilled water on germination performance of W. somnifera and Sida cordifolia L. were studied. Dry-heat pretreatments for several times (1-60 min) significantly increase germination percentage. The highest germination was obtained at 1000 C (80% and 83%, respectively). A significant increase in germination rate was achieved under different pretreatments. The physiological dormancy caused by an impermeable seed coat can be overcome by dry-heat pretreatments. Further micrography and anatomical studies of both the plants were also made.
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Constraints in Adoption of Improved Rice Production Technologies in Chatra District of Jharkhand
After several promotional activities carried out by different stakeholders the improved rice production technologies have not reached the farmers field. A study was conducted to identify the constraints faced by farmers in adoption of the improved rice production technologies. The study was conducted in five purposively selected blocks of Chatra district. In five randomly selected, one each from the selected blocks, villages 40 rice growers were selected randomly as respondents for each village covering 200 respondents in the study. Constraints identified by the respondents were grouped into six categories i.e. ecological, technological extension – related, infrastructural, economic & socio- cultural constraints. Results indicated that undulated topography and gravelly soil (94.5%) high fertilizer requirement in HYVS (89%) fragmented and scattered holdings (94.5%) inadequate advice and guidance by the charge agents (41%), low price of produce (98%) and open grazing of cattle (92%) perceived to be important constraints which diminished the adoption of improved rice production technologies.
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Dr. Sanjay Keshaorao Katait joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 26th August 2016
We are very happy to announce that from 26th August 2016,Dr. Sanjay Keshaorao Katait has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He/She will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Commerce. Dr. Sanjay Keshaorao Katait working as Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Shri Shivaji Arts & Commerce College, Amravati. The appointment of Dr. Sanjay Keshaorao Katait as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to
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Dr. V.Rajasekaran joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 14th August 2013
We are very happy to announce that from 14th August 2013, Dr. V.Rajasekaran has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on English. Dr. V.Rajasekaran is currently working as Associate Professor /Head, Department of English, Faculty of Engineering, EBET Group of Institutions, Nathakadaiyur PO, Kangeyam TK, Tirupur 638 108, Tamilnadu, India. The appointment of Dr. V.Rajasekaran as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to Sincerely Editor-in-Chief
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Effects of Thermal Radiation, Heat Generation on Dissipative MHD Flow through a Porous Medium over an Exponential Stretching Sheet with Chemical Reaction
This paper investigate the effects of radiation and first order homogeneous chemical reaction on MHD boundary layer flow of a viscous incompressible radiating fluid towards a porous exponential stretching sheet in the presence of heat generation and viscous dissipation. The governing non linear partial differential equations are transformed into ordinary differential equations by using similarity variables. The resultant system of equations is solved numerically by using Runge-Kutta method along with shooting technique. The effects of governing parameters on the dimensionless velocity, temperature and concentration are discussed graphically while the skin friction coefficient, Nusselt number, Sherwood number are presented in tables. Moreover, the results thus obtained are also compared with the existing literature and were found to be in good agreement for special cases of previous literature
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Factors Influencing Effectiveness of Internal Control in the Microfinance Sector in Kenya (A case of Mombasa County)
The board of directors and management are continually seeking ways to better achieve their visions and improve accountability. A key factor in helping achieve such outcomes and minimize operational problems is to implement appropriate internal controls. Effective internal control also helps in managing change to cope with shifting environments and evolving demands and priorities. Chapter one of this study gives the background information about micro financing, problem statement, objectives of the study stating on what the researcher intends to achieve, research questions to guide the researchers, justification of the research while chapter two is the literature review. The overall objective of the study was to examine the factors influencing internal control in the microfinance sector in Kenya. The specific objectives: The first of them was to investigate how credit management influence internal control, the second aim was to find out the impact of risk management in influencing internal control, the third was to investigate on how monitoring influence the internal control and; lastly was to determine the importance of control activities in influencing the internal control. This study was conducted in Mombasa county and focused on 4 deposit taking MFIs and 6 non-deposit taking microfinance institutions in the region. The study used primary data obtained through the questionnaires provided to different cadre of employees of those institutions. The researcher employed stratified random sampling procedure; systematic random sampling was used to identify the respondents of the study. Quantitative data collected by use of closed ended questions in the questionnaire were edited and checked for completeness and comprehensibility, summarized, coded and tabulated. The study used descriptive statistics in the analysis of demographics characteristics of the respondents and correlation and regression statistics to assess the study variables relating to the factors influencing the effectiveness of internal control in micro finance sector in Kenya with the help of SPSS 21. The study estblished that credit management provides discipline and structure as well as the climate which influences the quality of internal control, risk management enable the identification and analysis of relevant risks associated with achieving the objectives and ensured right personnel for the job are on board, monitoring helps the microfinance institutions to assess the quality of performance of the microfinance over time and finally control activities ensures that qualified and continuous supervision is provided to ensure that internal control objectives are achieved and that completeness and accuracy of information processing.
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Family business ownership and management
Our research deals with a boosting sector in Pakistan’s economy that is the small and medium enterprises that are being managed and run by the families (family business), because these firms are the very important asset of Pakistan like any other country which contribute about 65% in the economy of Pakistan. The aim of this contemplate is to diagnose the ownership and management style in family businesses. That is whether there is any difference in running a family business and a non family business. And if there a difference exists then to investigate that difference. This research design is a self reported research because it is the most commonly used method of business research for small business and entrepreneurship quantitative research. In our research we are going to understand and investigate the different variables like leadership style, family conflicts while running a family business, succession planning in family business and many other variables with a non family firm. In the past there are many researches on these issues in family business yet these areas need much more attention of the researchers and the other businessmen. The result of our research showed that there are significant difference in a family firm and a non family firm because a family firm has much more other pressures on it. The result of our research suggest that the leader of the family business should adopt a participative leadership style through this he/she can share all business and management decision with his/her family and employees which helps him/her to get family trust and employees loyalty along with increase productivity and expansion in the family business. This research is being conducted in on the small and medium enterprises in a selected area of Sargodha Pakistan. Therefore results may not be generalized around the globe.
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