Optimum Bit Error Rate for Linear Multiuser Detection in Wireless Communications
Direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) is a popular wireless technology. This system suffers from Multiple Access Interference (MAI) caused by Direct Sequence users and Near –far effect. Multi-User Detection schemes are used to detect the users’ data in presence of MAI and Near- far problem. In this dissertation, we present comparative study between linear multiuser detectors and conventional single user matched filter in DS-CDMA system. Analysis and simulations are conducted in synchronous AWGN channel, and Gold sequence and Kasami sequence are used as the spreading codes. Simulation results depict the performance of three detectors, conventional detector, Decorrelating detector and MMSE (Minimum Mean Square Error) detector. It shows that the performance of these detectors depends on the length of PN code used and Number of users. Linear multiuser detectors perform better than the conventional matched filter in terms of BER performance. All the simulations have been performed on MATLAB 7.0.
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Pre and Post Privatization in Nigeria: The Effects of Households
In both developed countries, privatization and in some cases commercialization have grown in popularity and acceptability. It has also become an important instrument that government can use to promote economic development, improve the production and distribution of goods and services, stream line government structure and reinvigorate industries controlled or managed by the state. The magnitude of persistent failure of public enterprises has alarming rate due largely high level corruption. Even when faithful implementation was supposed to result in efficiency effective and economic to the economy and consumers alike there continued to a derail from reality. The study methodology applied survey design and use Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. The study revaled that privatization promotes economic development. Privatization is a major road map to sustainable economic development. Hence creation of employment opportunities, four prices and competition but unfortunately public power as example the expectations from privatization have not been realized in Nigeria. It has been at the detriment of the households. The study recommends that there should faithful implementation of privatization, and it should be implemented with vigour.
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Research on college English teachers’ professional development based on postmethod Pedagogy
This paper analyzed the latest development of ESL teaching and gave a new definition about college English teacher from postmethod’s perspective. Through discussion on difficulties faced by college English teachers, this paper also analyzed the characteristics about college English teachers’ professional development, and gave new thoughts and methods for college English teachers to promote their professionalization.
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Role of teachers in improving teaching and learning in Nigerian secondary schools
The aim of research is to determine the most important role of teachers teaching and learning (TTL). The instrument of data collection was a questionnaire, the sample 243 teachers. The data were analysed using descriptive /multiple regressions. The findings shown that teacher collaboration, share resources, teachers’ monitored, Student progress carefully monitored and working for improvement. Teachers constantly monitored by supervisors /principals for purpose of improving (TTL). The research has implications for teachers’ to be effective. The novelty of research has covered all parameters of teachers’ roles. This will contribute to improving teachers’ in educational system for the future research.
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Simulation of Brain Nervous System Based on Complex Networks
The aim of the paper is to simulate the brain nervous system based on complex networks. Complex networks provides a new view for brain network, and the brain nervous system can be abstracted to a network. In this paper we delineate the simulation process to brain nervous system by complex network and computer algorithm. By the logical definition, we can abstract the node and edge to set up the brain nervous system networks with the different algorithms. The simulation results imply that it is feasible to simulate brain nervous system network based on complex networks with brain anatomical and functional architectures.
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Social Demand Approach: A Vital Tool in the Achievement of Cost Effectiveness in Nigeria’s Basic Education
This paper examines some issues in the use of the social demand approach (SDA) in educational planning and development with a view of facilitating cost effectiveness in the provision of universal basic education. The paper adopts a descriptive approach that involves the review of statutory documents, research reports and other related literature. These various secondary sources of information show that basic education programme in Nigeria is negatively skewed in terms of addressing issues of unemployment and poverty as well as the resource wastage that results from youth restiveness. The paper concludes that achieving self-sufficiency in the production of middle and high level manpower that is relevant to the economy will be difficult if practical training in relevant vocational skills is not started at the basic school level, from primary one, in the course of developing literacy and numeracy skills. It calls for a de-emphasis of book learning with greater focus on the development of practical skills in the provision of education as a social service directed at addressing the issues of illiteracy, unemployment and poverty as well as youth restiveness. It recommends the use of educational toys, regular field trips and more funds to make the UBE programme more functional in arresting youth unemployment, poverty and restiveness. Key words: cost effectiveness, skill training, and economic relevance.
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Study of Vibration in Milling Process
Milling operates on the principle of rotary motion. A milling cutter is spun about an axis while a workpiece is advanced through it in such a way that the blades of the cutter are able to shave chips of material with each pass. Milling processes are designed such that the cutter makes many individual cuts on the material in a single run; this may be accomplished by using a cutter with many teeth, spinning the cutter at high speed, or advancing the material through the cutter slowly. Most often it is some combination of the three.
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Studying the Influencing Factors on Online Brand Trust
This study empirically investigated the factors that influence web brand trust specifically regarding online service of Adineh Book Store in Iran. To conduct an empirical investigation a survey of 449 customers was conducted using a questionnaire that its reliability by using Cronbach's Formula was examined. The Pearson’s Correlation was used to test the hypotheses. The results show that security, privacy, brand name, word-of-mouth, good online experience and quality of information directly affect the online brand trust.
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Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity of Some Novel Veratric Derivatives
Novel bioactive molecules are designed by using molecular hybridization techniques which is based on the recognition of pharmacophoric sub-unities in the molecular structure of two or more known bioactive derivatives. Adequate fusion of these sub-unities, lead to the design of new hybrid architectures that maintain pre-selected characteristics of the original templates. All the designed molecules were than synthesized and evaluated for their antimicrobial activity.
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Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial studies of metal complexes of 1-[2’-Chloro-5’-Sulphophenyl]-3-Methyl -4-Azo – [2”-Carboxy-5”-Sulphonic acid]-5-Pyrazolone and Their Transition Metal Chelates
1-[2’-Chloro-5’-Sulphophenyl]-3-Methyl-4-Azo–[2”-Carboxy-5”-Sulphonic acid]-5-Pyrazolone was prepared by diazotization of 4-sulphoanthranilic acid and then coupling with 1-[2’-Chloro-5’-Sulphophenyl]-3-Methyl-5-Pyrazolone in alkaline medium. It was characterized by elemental analysis and spectral studies. The transition metal chelates of the same were prepared with Cu2+, Ni2+ , Co2+ , Mn2+ and Fe3+ and characterized by IR spectral studies and physico chemical studies. The antimicrobial activity of ligand and its metal chelates were screened against various gram-positive (+) and gram-negative (?) organism. The results show that all these samples are more or less active agents against various organisms.
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