Systematic Review of research studies analysing Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana in India
Rashtriya Swasthiya Bima Yojana is a health insurance scheme for the poor in India. The scheme rolled out on the 1st of April 2008, it covers the hospitalization expenditure of the poor people. According to the United Nations and International Labour Organization the scheme is one of the best 18 insurance schemes of the world. This article reviews the progress of the scheme, gender analysis, outpatient initiative by the scheme, new initiatives by the scheme, various issues in the implementation and suitable recommendations in the light of the study findings.
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Teaching Phonetic Symbols Explicitly and Implicitly
If we have a look at the history of the English Language we can understand that the sounds of English are not uniform since English is an unphonetic language. There is no relation between the letter and the sound. This paper aims at investigating the effect of pronunciation teaching of English to high school students. More specifically, it examines to realize whether learners can learn phonetic symbols better explicitly or implicitly. In order to do this, two different teaching methods were implemented, which resulted in having two different experimental groups; an explicit vs. an implicit one. The former received explicit teaching of English pronunciation through a variety of activities while the latter was taught implicitly via the use of recasts. The results showed that the explicit form of teaching is better than implicit one.
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Voluminous Intraorbital Wood Foreign Body: about a Case
A 6-years-old girl was admitted in the ophthalmology emergency room for right penetrating intraorbital trauma by a voluminous piece of wood. The intraorbital trajectory was analyzed by CT scan and 3D images reconstruction. The wood foreign body has crossed upper and lower eyelids and then has emerged from the right nasal cavity through the medial canthus. The eyeball was intact. Extraction of the fragment associated with an adapted antibiotic treatment led to clinical improvement with complete recovery. This trauma, despite its serious aspect, fortunately did not have functional consequences.
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A Critical Survey of Personal Cloud
From time to time, there is the need for a survey of different forms of computer services delivery. Personal Cloud computing is a technology which satisfies customers dynamic resource demands and makes the job easier to work on all platforms for the user. Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services over the Internet. Security is the main criteria when working on cloud, as the third party involvement will always be there. It is therefore recommended in this paper that secure architecture should be used to provide services through the cloud. The extensive use of virtualization in implementing cloud infrastructure brings unique security concerns for customers or tenants of a personal cloud service. It is observed that virtualization alters the relationship between the OS and underlying hardware -be it computing, storage or even networking. Hence, identified methods show how to overcome the security issues of the cloud.
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A novel approach for converting relational database to an object oriented database: data migration and performance analysis
The object-oriented data model is predicted to be the heart of the next generation of database systems. Users want to move from old legacy databases into applying this new technology that provides extensibility and exhibility in maintenance. However, a major limitation on the wide acceptance of object-oriented databases is the amount of time and money invested on existing database applications, which are based on conventional legacy systems. Users do not want to lose the huge amounts of data present in conventional databases. This paper presents a novel approach to transform a given conventional database into an object-oriented database. It is assumed that the necessary characteristics of the conventional database to be re-engineered are known and available. The source of these characteristics might be the data dictionary and/or an expert in the given conventional database. We implemented a system that builds an understanding of a given conventional database by taking these characteristics as input and produces the corresponding object-oriented database as output. Finally, we handle the migration of data from the conventional database to the constructed object-oriented database.
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A survey on hash based a-priori algorithm for web log analysis
This paper attempts to signify the importance of newest variation of data mining in form of web mining. The paper also discusses about some of the existing web log analysis algorithms. With the rapidly growing use of www in business sectors involving e-Business, e-CRM, Digital Libraries and so on, there arises a strong need for performing web log analysis to ensure the security of organization and also to drive the growth of any organization. However there exist many systems for performing the web log analysis, the results they generate are far from the expectations. The major challenges for designers of such systems is to develop an efficient analysis algorithm that generate the precise outcome to identify the exact usage pattern of different web users and at the same time find the most common usage pattern.
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An overview on the environmental management and policy in Nigeria
This study examines the environmental management issues in Nigeria with a view to delineate a management framework for effective implementation of environmental policies. This study present an argument on the management framework which would enable Nigeria to initiate, plan, and implement environmental policies in a way that would enable the country to achieve a sustainable goals. Further, the study investigates the social distribution of environmental benefits and burden. The finding revealed that, environmental policy without effective management component is unlikely to achieve its espoused objective.
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Analysis of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Publications: An Empirical Study
The study has been conducted with the purpose of clear understanding of world’s leading publisher in the area of electrical, electronics, computing and related areas of science and technology. The author is working in a Deemed University, which offered Engineering and Technology courses as main subjects, hence the author has the curiosity to know more about IEEE and its publications.
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9419. Bigotry and Crime
Karim Sadeghi Dehchenari and Sayyed Mahmoud Mirkhalili |
Abstract |
Category : Educational Research | Sub Category : Social Sciences |
Bigotry and Crime
Present paper tries to introduce bigotry theory in Islam – based criminology and sociology and also its impacts on the emergence and extension of crimes. The necessity of such discussion is on the fact that abovementioned fields, there is no theory on the reasons of social and individual dysfunctions in Islamic viewpoint while in religious resources, numerous behaviors are criminalized. Another issue is that although all theories in mentioned fields seem different, a commonality is seen among them namely bigotry. This comprehensive theory involves are reasons mentioned in other theories. Besides, it is the positive aspect of such trait that controls behavior and should be recognized and fostered. Even, lawmakers criminalize its negative points and adopt other laws fro keep its positive dimensions. As a result, the definition of crime (“any behavior for which penalties is determined in the law” (article 2, Islamic Penal Code, 2011)) is to negate negative bigotry. If the law is based on religion, it is toward protecting human valid interests and if it is out of religion, it should consider the interests of all people.
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Ceric ammonium nitrate induced grafting of 3,3-dimethyle acrylic acid onto Gum Arabic
This experiment is a continuation of our effort to develop drug delivery carrier of Gum Arabic GA (Acacia Senegal) gum Arabic-g-3,3-dimethyl acrylic acid for a cancer. The effect of graft reaction conditions on the percentage of graft efficiency and percentage of graft yield in the graft copolymerization were investigated. It was observed that grafting parameters such as 3,3-dimethyl acrylic acid, ceric ammonium nitrate (CAN), Gum Arabic (GA), temperature and reaction time have remarkable influence on the percentage of graft efficiency and percentage of graft yield of the graft copolymer. Optimum the percentage of graft efficiency and percentage of graft yield were (26%) and (75.5%). Evidence of grafting was confirmed by comparison of FTIR spectra of GA, 3,3-dimethyl acrylic acid and the grafted copolymer as well as scanning electron micrography (SEM), Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and X-ray diffraction of the product.
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