Isolation and Identification of Nitrogen fixing Bacteria (Rhizobium) from Root Nodule of a Legume Plant in the Bori Garden soil, Rivers State, Nigeria
The roots of common beans ( Phaseolus vulgaris) were collected fresh by uprooting carefully from a garden soil in Bori, in Khana Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria. The root nodules were prepared using the Gwyn and Handelsman,(1989) technique, and analyzed by the spread plate method upon Yeast Mannitol agar, for the Isolation and Identification of nitrogen fixing bacteria (Rhizobium), obtained from the leguminous plant. Rhizobium japonicum, R. leguminosarum and R.aggregatum were isolated and identified. Rhizobium japonicum and Rhizobium leguminosarum were the most regular isolates, whereas, Rhizobium aggregatum were scarcely isolated. The frequency of occurrence of the microbial colony forming units were in order of 6.7, 20, 26.7, 33.3 and 13 for the sample plates,T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 as assay of root nodules formicrobial concentration of isolates were found, in the legume plant.
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John Holland's personality types and views of the relationship between creativity and other Scholars about the male students
The present study investigated the relationship between creativity and John Holland's personality types and views other scholars envisioned the Dutch Personality Questionnaire was used to secure paper, the relationship between creativity and personality types theory John Holland's creative personality types to compare the theories of John Holland is checked. The relationship between students' creativity with John Holland's theory of personality types must be examined to determine the relationship between two variables is creative personality types and which have higher. The statistical population included all male high school students in Kermanshah city In the case of simple random sampling - A sample of 300 participants was regular a few steps Abide creativity test to measure creativity and John Holland used to measure personality types of tests were carried out and the obtained data were processed by SPSS software. The field study is correlational research method. Statistical methods used in this study was the chi-square test because of a nominal variable and the one-way analysis of variance was used to test the hypothesis.
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List of articles published in the month of February 2013
Table of contents for the month of February 2013
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Medicinal and Health Benefits of Black Pepper
Black pepper and white pepper are made from the Piper nigrum plant. Black pepper is ground from dried, whole unripe fruit. White pepper is ground from dried, ripe fruit that has had the outer layer removed. The black pepper and white pepper powder are used to make medicine. People take black pepper for stomach upset, bronchitis, and cancer. They take white pepper for stomach upset, malaria, cholera, and cancer. Black pepper is sometimes applied directly to the skin for treating nerve pain(neuralgia) and a skin disease called scabies. Black pepper and white pepper are also used topically as a counterirritant for pain. In foods and beverages, black pepper, white pepper, and pepper oil (a product distilled from black pepper) are used as flavoring agents. Many people are ignorant about the numerous health benefits of black pepper. It contains potent antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties. It contains iron, potassium, manganese, vitamin C and fiber in large quantities. However, beside these, it does contain other nutritional components.
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Motivational strategies used by the private and public sector secondary schools
The present study was carried out to analyze the use of motivational strategies at secondary level in public and private sector schools. For data collection, two schools in public and private sector each were selected from Islamabad. Data was collected through a Questionnaire. Fifty teachers (twenty-five from public and twenty five from private sector) of secondary classes were selected for answering the questionnaire. Quantitative analysis method was used for data analysis. The result of analysis shows that application of motivational strategies is better in private school as compared to public school.
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Mr. Amjed Mirza Oda joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 4th April 2015
We are very happy to announce that from 4th April 2015, Mr. Amjed Mirza Oda has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Noise and Chemistry. Mr. Amjed Mirza Oda currently working as Faculty Member, Department of General Science, College of Basic Education, University of Babylon, Iraq. The appointment of Mr. Amjed Mirza Oda as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to
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Mr. Hadeel Fadhil Farhood Al Joborae joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 10th May 2013
We are very happy to announce that from 10th May 2013, Mr. Hadeel Fadhil Farhood Al Joborae has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Community Medicine. Mr. Hadeel Fadhil Farhood Al Joborae is currently working as Department of Family and Community Medicine, College of Medicine, Babylon, Iraq. The appointment of Mr. Hadeel Fadhil Farhood Al Joborae as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to Sincerely Editor-in-Chief
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Multiuser detection using BPSK modulation with Adaptive filters
To attain large information rates, multi user detection (MUD) is a well-built aspirant for the downlink of cell phone communications. However, while transmitting any signal over fading channel, the performance of any system is highly affected. For that reason, Multiuser detection (MUD) and channel estimation play a significant function for overcoming the interference and characterizing the channel. In previous cases, this is developed by using many kinds of algorithms. But in this Paper BPSK modulation technique was introduced for multiuser detection due to the drawbacks of those algorithm. The objective of this BPSK modulation is used to minimize the error rate of the user transmitting signal. In this, the user detection complexity and the interference of user transmitting signal are resolved. Since the detection complication and the required time are concentrated. In general, we make use of many types of filters namely, linear filters, nonlinear filters etc. here we are going to implement with adaptive filters. By using nonlinear filters we get narrow bandwidth responses and by using linear filters we get interference and BER is also high. So by using adaptive filters we overcome these drawbacks. The goal of adaptive filters is to improve synchronization and capacity by reducing interference between users. Adaptive algorithms improve the feasibility of multi user receivers.
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Obstacle avoidance with anti theft mechanism system and cabin safety system for automobiles
Safety, along with security, plays a vital role in today’s society. The goal of this project is to design an embedded safety and security system for vehicle by integrating and modifying existing modules. This system endures mainly with three modules namely Gas sensing module, Obstacle detection module and Anti Theft Alert system, these are interfaced with atmel AT89S52 microcontroller. Ultrasonic sensors transmit ultrasonic waves from its sensor head and again receives the ultrasonic waves reflected from an obstacle and instructs the microcontroller which alerts the driver with an alarm and controls the vehicle by stopping it. The gas sensor here is mounted inside the vehicle such that it senses the presence of the gases inside the vehicle cabin if there is any increase in the level of the toxic gases it informs to the microcontroller which alerts the persons inside the vehicle with an alarm and also sends a SMS to the authorized user through GSM. When an unauthorized person opens the car door, the car anti theft system becomes active and gives indication by raising an alarm that the car is being under theft.
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Oral History in Schools: Necessities and Solutions
Although the Iranian historical people have seen history as a low level hobby and entertainment, they are interested in it. Memories, stories and the history of any generation do worth hearing, and the audible histories ranging from political history to explaining the ordinary and daily life of the people are found a lot in Iranian families. On the other hand, since the education system and its resources especially in the section of Humanities and particularly history are run by the government, it has created a kind of despair from the subjects of the history courses in the middle and secondary sections. The state-running of the section of history education, unwillingness of history teachers in active teaching, the escape of the pupils from the history course and the existence of formal and rigid subjects in history courses of secondary schools are among the main facts concerning the difficulty of history education in Iran. Apart from the defects it has, Formal history has caused a gap of the generations from each other as well as the transfer of real and informal history. Thus, it is necessary to search for the solutions and methods which have brought Iranian families and their children to epicenter of history. This is the solution which can play an important role in the dialogue between the generations and providing the grounds for historical participation of the pupils, and a method which educates the close and tangible history for the pupils and provides a new image from social history, different interpretations from history and a new way for connecting them with the society.
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