9451. Water demand and bacteriological content of public water systems in abeokuta, Nigeria
Odjegba, E. E., Idowu, O. A., Ojekunle, Z. O., Amori, A. A., Ikenweiwe, N. B. Oluwasanya, G. O. and Martins, O. |
Abstract |
Category : Environmental Sciences | Sub Category : Environment and Forestry |
Water demand and bacteriological content of public water systems in abeokuta, Nigeria
Water demand in Abeokuta, Nigeria and bacteriological content of public water supplied by the Ogun State Water Corporation, major water supplier in Abeokuta; is assessed in this paper. The water demand of the population was estimated for ten years based on the 2006 National Population Census result, using the geometric projection method. Forty sampling locations were also randomly selected in the city of Abeokuta. Water samples were collected - during the rainy and dry season. The samples were analyzed for total and faecal coliform count using the Most Probable Number method. The presence of Escherichia coli was detected in 39 of a total of 80 samples collected in both seasons. Water demand ranges from 2.01 x 10-7 m3 - 2.48 x 10-7 m3 per year. However, the current volume of water supplied, about 82 million litres per day (2.99 x 10-7 m3 per year), that is when the public utility is in operation is only sufficient to meet the current water demand of the population. The paper argued the need for urgent expansion of the water scheme to adequately meet the present and future water needs of the population and by extension the targets of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. The paper concludes on the need for periodic monitoring of the state of water from the distribution pipe network from source to the point of use, as well as the water quality parameters that are necessary to ensure the safety of water.
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Accidental Ligature Strangulation Due to Sugarcane Crusher
Strangulation is a form of violent asphyxial death and majority of cases are homicidal in nature. This report illustrates an unusual cause of accidental strangulation death of 44 years old female caused due to chunni (a piece of cloth worn around the neck by most Indian women) being caught in moving sugarcane crusher. She was immediately taken to the emergency department of PGIMS Rohtak, where a few hours later she was declared dead, despite all the resuscitation and IVF/drugs. In summary, this case exemplifies the unsuspected inherent danger of wearing long scarf (chunni) while working with machinery.
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Anti-cancer nanoparticulate drug delivery system using biodegradable polymers
Cancer is a hyper proliferative disorder marked by metastasis into the vital organs of the body through invasion and angiogenesis. Biodegradable nanoparticles have been used frequently as anti-cancer drug delivery vehicles due to its splendid bioavailability, better encapsulation, and control release with less toxic properties. Various nanoparticulate systems, general synthesis and encapsulation process, control release and improvement of therapeutic value of nano-encapsulated cancer drugs are covered in this review. We have highlighted the impact of biodegradable polymer such as PLGA, PLA, chitosan, gelatin, polycaprolactone and poly-alkyl-cyanoacrylates in the formulation of nanoparticles for encapsulation of cancer drugs. Hence in the current review a detailed studied has been done for the delivering of cancer drugs effectively using biodegradable polymers.
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Assessing Guardians’ Satisfaction about Childcare Services at Central and West Hospital of Tamale Metropolis, Ghana
This study assessed the health care services in relation to guardians level of satisfaction with childcare services at the Tamale Central (TCH) and Tamale West hospital (TWH), Ghana. The target populations of this study were guardians of sick children under five who visited the TCH and TWH. A total sample size of 100 respondents was used. 50 participants were each taken from the two Hospitals by using convenience sampling technique. Questionnaires was used for data collection and the data was analyzed using SPSS. A total of 41.2% of the patients were satisfied with the overall service received at the hospital. Guardians who were satisfied with the service significantly had a shorter waiting time than those who were not satisfied. In conclusion, mothers/guardians’ level of satisfaction with childcare are associated with four important dimensions namely; time spent at the hospital, relationship between health worker and parents, affordability of healthcare services and level of confidentiality that exist in the hospital. Long waiting time negatively affected satisfaction. If this is improved upon, it will lead to increased guardian satisfaction regarding the care rendered to their children.
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Both ended sorting algorithm & performance comparison with existing algorithm
One of the basic areas of the computer science is Data Structure. Sorting is an important issue in Data Structure which creates the sequence of the list of items. Although numbers of sorting algorithms are available, it is all the more necessary to select the best sorting algorithm. Therefore, sorting problem has attracted a great deal of research as sorting technique is very often used in a large variety of important applications so as to arrange the data in ascending or descending order. This paper presents a Both Ended Sorting Algorithm which is faster or better than the bubble sort& others algorithm. After having studied various sorting algorithms; I came to the conclusion that there is no such sorting algorithm which works on the basis of both end comparison right end as well as left end. The new algorithm so is then analysed, implemented & tested. The test results obtained are then presented and compared with the traditional Sorting Algorithm. Worst case complexity is also improved as a compare to bubble sort.
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Development and validation of spectrophotometric, HPTLC and HPLC methods for the determination of mebeverine hydrochloride and chlordiazepoxide in pharmaceutical dosage forms
Three reliable, rapid and selective methods have been developed and validated for the determination of mebeverine hydrochloride and chlordiazepoxide in pharmaceutical dosage forms. The first method is first order derivative spectrophotometric method All variables affecting the reaction have been investigated and the conditions were optimized. The second method is based on separation of the cited drugs (mebeverine hydrochloride Rf =0.72 ± 0.02 and chlordiazepoxide Rf = 0.43 ± 0.04) followed by densitometric measurement of the intact drug spots at 220 nm by HPTLC. The separation was carried on silica gel plates using chloroform: methanol: ammonia (9.5: 0.5: 0.1, (v/v/v) as a mobile phase. The linearity range was 200-1200 ng/spot for mebeverine hydrochloride and 100-600 for chlordiazepoxide. The third method is accurate and sensitive HPLC method based on separation of mebeverine hydrochloride and chlordiazepoxide on a reversed phase C18 column, using a mobile phase of potassium dihydrogen phosphate buffer (0.05 M, pH 4.0 adjusted with 0.5% orthophosphoric acid)-methanol- water (30:50:20, v/v/v) and UV detection at 260 nm in an overall analysis time of about 5 min., based on peak area. The accuracy and precision of the methods were confirmed when the standard addition technique was applied. The validation was performed according to ICH guidelines. The results obtained by applying the proposed methods were statistically analyzed.
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Different applied statistical methods to evaluate the response of cotton production to climatic variables
This study investigates the predicted effects of climatic factors during convenient intervals (in days) on cotton flower and boll production compared with daily observations. Also, covers the statistical relationship between climatic variables and aspects of cotton production and the effects of climatic factors prevailing prior to flowering or subsequent to boll setting on flower and boll production and retention in cotton. Further, cotton flower and boll production as affected by climatic factors and soil moisture status has been considered. Evaporation, sunshine duration, relative humidity, surface soil temperature at 1800 h, and maximum air temperature, are the important climatic factors that significantly affect flower and boll production. The least important variables were found to be surface soil temperature at 0600 h and minimum temperature. The five-day interval was found to be more adequately and sensibly related to yield parameters. Evaporation; minimum humidity and sunshine duration were the most effective climatic factors during preceding and succeeding periods on boll production and retention. There was a negative correlation between flower and boll production and either evaporation or sunshine duration, while that correlation with minimum relative humidity was positive. The soil moisture status showed low and insignificant correlation with flower and boll production. Higher minimum relative humidity, short period of sunshine duration, and low temperatures enhanced flower and boll formation.
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Dr. M.J.Jijin joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 6th April 2015
We are very happy to announce that from 6th April 2015, Dr. M.J.Jijin has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Extractions and Impactions. Dr. M.J.Jijin currently working as Dental Surgeon, C.H dental care, Malappuram (Dist), Kerala. The appointment of Dr. M.J.Jijin as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal.
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Dr.C.Surendra Dilip joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 11th September 2013
We are very happy to announce that from 11th September 2013, Dr.C.Surendra Dilip has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Chemistry. Dr.C.Surendra Dilip is currently working as Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Anna University, BIT Campus, Tiruchirappalli. The appointment of Dr.C.Surendra Dilip as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to elixirpublishers@gmail.com. Sincerely Editor-in-Chief
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Effects of conservation tillage on soil moisture content, organic matter management, soil erosion and runoff control
The purpose of conservation tillage is to reduce the intensity of tillage operations and increase the amount of crop residue on soil surface. One of the characteristics of soil in arid and semi-arid areas is the lack of organic matter. Crop residue management is one of the soil fertility and improvement methods that is achieved by conservation tillage. Compared to residue burning, maintaining crop residue on or near the soil surface under no-tillage and minimum tillage methods will improve the organic carbon, Soil structure and activity of micro-organisms. Soil organic matter in a temperate and humid area increased by 16% and in a temperate and dry area increased by 10% than conventional tillage systems.
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