The effect of fasting on mental health and depression among high school students in the area Gvavr 2012
This study was a natural experiment in 2012, the number of 361 students who were selected randomly from among area students Gvavr has been done. Based on a study that used the effect of fasting on the self-esteem of the students had been performed [ 3 ] , the ratio of approximate p1 and p2 defined with respect to the extent of 99% and can test 80 % sample size of 354 patients was estimated . People who are less successful than days of fasting, those with acute problems, such as the death of a loved family, accident, and that it was caused low mood, loss of students with significant academic and other learning problems people were also very pleasant things, like getting married, buying a house, car and they had been excluded
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The Effect of Organizational Culture on Organizational Economic Performance
The main objective of this paper was to look at the effect of Organizational Culture on Organization’s Economic Performance. The discussion was based on series of empirical studies of Organizational culture and Organization’s Economic performance. The research findings no doubt have validated the synerginous relationship between Organizational culture and Organization’s Economic performance especially, the long-term financial performance was highest for organizations with an adaptive culture while strength and fit perspectives were partially supported. They also recommended that there can still be more room for improvement and consequently better economic performance if proactive adaptability is enhanced, which requires senior leaders to cooperate and collaborate among themselves, leaders must create and implement a business vision and associated strategies that fit the organizational context( a vision represents a long-term goal that describes” what an organization wants to become”) , if adaptive culture is promoted over time by a combination of organizational success and specific leadership ,leaders must get employees to buy into a timeless philosophy or set of values that emphasizes service to the organization’s key constituents-customers, stockholders, and employees-and also emphasizes the improvement of leadership, and creating infrastructure to preserve the organization’s adaptiveness by consistently reinforcing and supporting the organization’s core philosophy or values of satisfying constituency needs and improving leadership by management.
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The effect of organizational justice on OCB Mediating role of Organizational Identification
Organizational justice is a variable that predicts a lot of organizational variables such as organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and plays an important role in its improvement. In today's competitive world, organizations cannot survive for a long-term period of time without employees' voluntary intention to cooperate and adopt the organizational responsibilities, commitment, and mutual trust. They need behaviors beyond the organizational expectations and does not exist in written job description but ensure the organizational survival. Thus, managers should be sensitive to development and reinforce this organizational variable. Since, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of organizational justice on OCB through mediation of organizational identification as well as moderation of psychological contract. To do this, a sample size of 84 was estimated using Cochran's formula, and finally, 90 questionnaires were collected from the employees of Agriculture Jihad department of Gonbad-e-Kavoos. Cronbach's alpha for all the measures was greater than.70 and confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the questionnaire's construct validity. Structural equation modeling and hierarchical regression were used to test the hypotheses. Research results indicated that organizational identification fully mediated the relationship between interactional justice and OCB; partially mediated the relationship between distributional justice and OCB, but the mediating role of organizational identification in the relationship between procedural justice and OCB was not confirmed. Furthermore, it was determined that the positive relationship between organizational identification and OCB was moderated by psychological contracts so that this positive relationship is stronger when transactional and relational contracts are high.
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The impact of human activities on the physico-chemistry of ogbum-nu-abali creek, Port harcourt metropolis
Ogbum-nu-Abali Creek of Port Harcourt metropolis was undertaken to assess the impact of human activities in relation to physico-chemistry between March – May, 2006. Results of physico-chemical parameters showed that most of the parameters were higher than the maximum permissible limits for surface waters and discharge of wastewaters into surface waters. Results further showed that pH ranges from 6.20 – 6.70 with a mean value of 6.54 mean values of parameters included: conductivity (1602.03 ?s/cm), TSS (174.78mg/L), TDS (5187.577mg/L), Turbidity (8.12NTU), BOD5 (27.95mg/L), DO (4.51mg/L), Oil and Grease (5.77mg/L), Phosphate (0.443mg/L), Lead (0.3mg/L), Fe (2.74mg/L), Manganese (11.54mg/L), Chromium (0.33mg/L) and Temperature (28.170C) respectively. The creek was transparent, foamy, slimy, slightly smelly and no animal life was sighted in it due to deterioration of water quality as evident by high BOD and low oxygen content. It is pertinent to state that anthropogenic activities in and around the creek have given rise to alteration of the physico-chemical characteristics of the water quality rendering it unfit for recreational exercise, therefore, the abattoir at Ahiamakara leading to Nkpogu community should be discontinued to avoid water pollution. Keywords: Anthropogenic activities, pollution, discharge, creek, and rivers.
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Treatment of plywood from burning by synthesis a new protective coating through sol-gel
Approximately 750,000 multi-family housing units experienced roofing problems due to fire-retardant-treated (FRT) plywood sheathing failure since 1985 until 1995. The problem is caused by excessive exposure to solar radiation. Plywood is not safe because it contains glue that may be toxic, harmful to life and human skin when exposed to ignition. The aims of this research built on modifying plywood to be fire resistant. Thus, the sol - gel technique was applied to prepare a new fire-retardant coating containing different volumes of H3PO4 (0, 0.3, 0.7, and 1.1 ml) to protect the plywood from ignition. The flammability properties of the different coated samples evaluated by the following measurements using standard methods: limiting oxygen index (LOI), ignitability and thermogra¬vimetric analysis (TGA). The results indicated that, the highest flame retardant LOI obtained at H3PO4 1.1ml reaching ? 150% relative to the un-treated; these results are supported through ignitability and thermogravimetric analysis.
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Vague Congruence Relations on Residuated Lattices
The aim of this paper is to establish the concept of vague congruence relation on a residuated Lattice. We discuss the relationship between vague Filters and vague congruence relations. Further we define the vague congruence relation corresponding to a given vague filter and some of its properties are obtain. Finally, we determine the quotient algebra induced by this relation and discuss some properties.
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Verilog Implementation of Novel Error Tolerant Adders for High Speed Arithmetic
In recent VLSI technology, the occurrence of all kind of errors has become predictable. By adopting an emerging concept in VLSI design and test, error tolerance (ET), a novel error-tolerant adder (ETA) is proposed. The ETA is able to ease the strict restriction on accuracy, and performance. One important potential application of the proposed ETA is in digital signal processing systems that can tolerate certain amount of errors. To prove the feasibility of the ETA, we replaced all the common additions involved in a normal FFT algorithm with our proposed addition arithmetic. When compared to its conventional counterparts, the proposed ETA is able to attain more than 65% improvement in the Power-Delay Product (PDP).
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Work life balance perceptions of women it professionals in Chennai city
Changing employment patterns together with changes in the demographic structure of the workforce have resulted in a different reality for the 21st century. Instead of trying to manage copious amounts of leisure time, many employees are instead trying to juggle numerous responsibilities with the increased, intensified demands of work. Such reality and in particular, transformations in the structure of both the workplace and the workforce imply that work practices and employers’ expectations must change accordingly. The changing economic conditions and social demands have changed the nature of work throughout the world. The concept of Work life balance is becoming more and more relevant in an ever dynamic working environment. This study makes an attempt to analyze empirically perceptions of Information Technology (IT) sector women professionals on work life balance.
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A comparison of motor development of 7- and 10-year-old monozygotic, dizygotic twins and singletons in Kermanshah City
The present study mainly attempts to compare the motion development of monozygotic twins, dizygotic twins and singletons of 7 and 10 years old in Kermanshah city. The population of the study was a total of 185 students, composed of 43 students of 7 year old boys and 46 students of 7 years old girl, 40 boys aged 10 and 56 daughters aged 10 years. The whole study population was categorized into three groups including monozygotic, dizygotic and non-twin. All of them participated in Test of Gross Motor Development Ulrich-2 (TGMD-2) which measured the Gross Motor Quotient (GMQ) through two subtests of Locomotor skills and object control skills. The data analysis indicated that there was no significant difference in relation to the GMQ score of 7-year monozygotic, dizygotic and non-twin groups of both sexes; whereas there was a significant difference in relation to the 10-year groups for both sexes. Also there was a significant difference between the GMQ scores for inter-pair 7-year twins of both sexes and those for 10-year pairs.
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A Review on Performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine using isobutanol–diesel fuel blends
It is found from the literature survey that very few comprehensive reviews exist on the Performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine using isobutanol–diesel fuel blends. Some of the important reviews on fish oil with Isobutonal as an additive, diesel with different percentages blend with Isobutonal, butonal- gasoline blends effects on the combustion process in a SI engine have been reviewed. Different Isobutonal blends with base fuels experimental performances including both diesel engine and gasoline engines have been reviewed. An attempt is being made to identify best performing methods from the literature reviewed; this will be a reference for further research. This paper deals with updated review of the literature on performance and emission analysis with Isobutonal blends with diesel and biodiesel under the resource constrained.
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