Oilfield Produced Water Treatment
Produced water represents more than 80% of the volume of waste generated by activities in the oil and gas industry. This is an enormous waste and should be handled and disposed of in a manner that should avoid negative environmental consequences. This paper details laboratory analysis for the removal of some of the harmful chemical and physical properties. Produced water was collected from A-field in the Niger Delta using 250 ml sterile sample bottle. At the end of the analysis, results show that removal of these harmful properties is dependent on the type of treatment proffer as the individual properties have different characteristics of the produced water quality and its origin. Compounds such as aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, phenols, and other chemical product which are used to facilitate petroleum production recovery contribute to oilfield water pollution.
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Prof. Krupal Prabhakar Pawar joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 1st April 2016
We are very happy to announce that from 1st April 2016, Prof. Krupal Prabhakar Pawar has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He/She will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Mechanical Engineering. Prof. Krupal Prabhakar Pawar working as Assistant Professor, Sharadchandra Pawar College of Engineering, Pune. The appointment of Prof. Krupal Prabhakar Pawar as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to elixirpublishers@gmail.com.
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Review on the Role of Age in Foreign Language Learning
This article makes comprehensive literature review and analysis on various scientific experiments and research about the role of age in foreign language learning. Additionally the introduction and analysis of “Critical Period Hypothesis” and its relevant research in second language acquisition has been presented in order to put forward some scientific implications for foreign language learning and instruciton in the context of China.
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Security Maintaince System in Data Mining Using Distance Measure Technique
Now a day’s Security is the main thing. In this paper we focus on distance measures applied to ensure the security of the separate sensitive information. Protecting data security is an key issue in data distribution. Security maintains system in data mining using distance measure techniques typically aim to protect separate security, with minimal impact on the quality of the released data. Now a days, a few of models are proposed to ensure the security protecting and/or to reduce the information loss as much as possible. i.e., they further improve the flexibility of the anonymous strategy to make it more closeness to reality, and then to meet the diverse needs of the people. Different proposals and algorithms have been designed for them at the same time. In this scenario we provide a survey of distance measure techniques for security preserving. We discuss the distance measure methods, the major achievement ways and the strategies of distance measure algorithms, and summarize their advantage and disadvantage. Then we give a demonstration of the work finished. Finally conclude further research directions of distance measure techniques by analyzing the existing work.
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Sports accident in children: a rare cause of traumatic hip dislocation
Traumatic hip dislocation in children is a rare disease .We report the case of a child aged 11 years old male who presented a posterior pure dislocation of the left hip after a sports accident. A reduction in emergency was performed with a perfect radiological control. Subsequent treatment consisted of pulling stuck for 45 days. The child was seen with a decline of 1 year. Hip was considered normal. This entity is exceptional in small children It may be secondary to minimal trauma as coxa valga or excessive femoral neck anteversion or ligamentous laxity may explain a predisposition to this dislocation. His prognosis is very good if urgent care is performed.
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Survey of innovated techniques to Detect selfish nodes
An Ad-hoc network is a collection of mobile nodes dynamically forming a temporary network without the use of any existing network infrastructure or centralized administer. Because of limited communication range among mobile nodes in ad-hoc network, several network hopes may be needed to deliver a packet from one node to another node in the wireless network. In such a network each node acts as an end system as well as a relay node (or router). Most of the routing algorithms designed for MANET such as AODV and DSR are based on the assumption that every node forwards every packet. But in practice some of the nodes may act as the selfish nodes. These nodes use the network and its services but they do not cooperate with other nodes. Such selfish nodes do not consume any energy such as CPU power, battery and also bandwidth for retransmitting the data of other nodes and they reserve them only for themselves. The original AODV and DSR routing algorithms can be modified to detect such selfish nodes. In this paper, we survey innovated techniques as well as proposed techniques to detect Selfish Nodes for MANET. Finally we provide some directions for further research.
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Tablet manufacturing processs and defects of tablets
Tablet is defined as solid pharmaceutical dosage form containing drug substance generally with suitable diluents and prepared by either compression or molding methods. Tablets remain popular as a dosage form because of the advantages afforded, both to the manufacturer (e.g. simplicity and economy of the preparation, stability, and convenience in packing, shipping and dispensing) and the patient. Because of their composition, method of manufacture or intended use, tablets present a variety of characteristics and consequently there are several categories of tablets. Tablet formulation and design may be described as the process where by the formulator ensures that the correct amount of the drug in the right form is delivered at or over the proper time at the proper rate and in the desired location, while having its chemical integrity protected to that point. Latest concepts and regulations focus on bioavailability, bioequivalence and validation etc. impact formulation designing and manufacture.
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The effect of Beta-radiation and magnetic field intensity on Ni-Cr alloy properties
An experimental investigation of applying a magnetic field and a radiation source horizontally with the direction of alloy once and vertically in another, current range passing through alloy is (1-3) AMP. When a magnetic field applied vertically with the direction of alloy, the resistance is higher than in case of applying it horizontally. The increase in radiation time will increase the alloy resistance. The increase of resistance will increase temperature in case of applying the magnetic field in vertical direction. The increase in resistance, the temperature approximately satiable.
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The Effect of Homework Writing As an Academic Extra-Curricular Activity on Second Language Vocabulary Development of Upper-Intermediate Iranian EFL Learners
Abstract The present study was an attempt to investigate the effect of homework writing as an academic extra-curricular activity on second language vocabulary development of upper-intermediate Iranian EFL learners. To do so, having reviewed the related literature thoroughly, the researcher designed the present quasi-experimental study. One hundred homogenized upper intermediate learners (both males and females) in an institute in Tehran, Iran, took part in the study in two groups (experimental and control groups) and the experimental group received separate trainings based on the specific extracurricular activities. The participants received a standard TOEFL PBT as the test of language proficiency as well as the validated pretest of second language vocabulary, the treatment, and posttest of second language vocabulary. Findings of the present study firstly revealed a significant difference between the experimental and control groups’ means on the posttest of vocabulary. Thus it was concluded that homework writing as an academic extra-curricular activity significantly affects second language vocabulary development of Iranian Upper-intermediate EFL learners. The findings also showed no statistically significant difference between the male and female learners concerning their second language vocabulary development affected by homework writing as an academic extra-curricular activity. The present study contributes to the fields of SLA and ELT instruction as its findings are in line with the previous research in the ESL context and some studies done in the EFL context. Also, this research not only could improve our understanding of second language vocabulary development in an EFL context, but also would enable us to incorporate effective methods of teaching vocabulary in the EFL classrooms through considering various homework types. The study findings could be employed by a variety of ELT community members in Iranian schools and language institutes: materials developers, foreign language teachers, and educational policy makers. It was stressed that homework writing could pave the way for the learners in an EFL situation to improve their performance in second language vocabulary.
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The Effects of Industrial and Domestic Wastes on the Benthic Fauna of New Calabar River
This study was conducted to ascertain the level of pollution caused by industrial and domestic wastes in New Calabar Rivers and their effects on the benthic fauna of the river between July – September, 2010. Three stations were selected within the study area. Sediments samples were collected using hand trowel twice a month for the period of three months while water samples were aseptically taken from the three stations using sterile screw capped bottles. The result showed that 12 taxa of benthic invertebrates were identified from the New Calabar River. Gastropoda and crustacean were the most abundant classes. The class Gastropoda had the highest number of families (4) with 4 species while crustacean consisted of 3 families with 3 species. Oligochaeta had 2 families and was represented by 2 species other classes such as Hirudinea 2 families and 2 species and Insecta with a single family and 1 speciies. Class Gastopoda had the highest percentage species composition (30.8%). Insecta 23.1%, Oligochaeta, Crustacea and Hirudinea had 15.4%. Turbificid sp. and Libyodrilus sp. had 33.8% relative abundance, Gastropoda 27.0%, while Hirudinea, Insecta and Crustacea had least abundance of 4.1%. Physico-chemical parameters for the various stations were analyzed as: Biochemical Oxygen Demand ranged from 3.6mg/L – 15.5mg/L, COD (4.0mg/L – 19.3mg/L), Ammonia (0.01mg/L – 0.4mg/L), temperature (240C – 270C) and Dissolved Oxygen 8.0mg/L to 0.8mg/L. The deterioration of this water body has cause adverse effects on human and the ecosystem, therefore a constant supervision of companies operating within the area is required to ensure effective treatment of the effluents before discharge. Keyword: Effluents, Sediments, Species, Companies & Samples.
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