Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of carbohydrates from corn Pericarp
Microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) was employed for production of carbohydrates from corn pericarp which is a waste of corn starch production by using hot compressed water as a solvent. Carbohydrates consist of glucose, xylose, arabinose and hemicellulose, while residues were composed of cellulose. By increasing the heating temperature, the solubilization rate increases and reached the value of 75.2% at 220 °C. In order to increase the carbohydrate yield the four independent variables such as heating temperature, come-up time, heating time and solid to liquid ratio were optimized by using the response surface methodology techniques. It includes fractional factorial design, the path of steepest ascent and central composite design. Subsequently, we have applied 2-step of experimental design including fractional factorial design and central composite design for accurate prediction of the optimum condition of MAE of carbohydrates from corn pericarp. In this paper, the total recycle of the corn pericarp have been done by investigating the detailed effects of microwave irradiation on chemical components in corn pericarp. The maximum yield of carbohydrates is about 70.8 % with predominant production of xylo-oligosaccharides.
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QoS based performance analysis of EAODV protocol in Overlay Network
An overlay network is a computer network which is built on the top of another network. Overlay networks can be mainly classified into two types of networks, Peer-to-Peer networks and Content Delivery Networks (CDN). This paper complements the current research on routing in Ad hoc network by proposing a new protocol EADOV. In this paper we have measure the performance of mobile wireless network UPD-based application for various routing protocol and compare them with proposed EAODV protocol. Also QoS based performance analysis of EAODV protocol in different scenario has been done and results are compared. Network Simulator NS2 on Fedora environment is used for simulation which included two mobile nodes with four types of traffic VoIP, video, CBR and FTP for creating heavy load and to simulate the protocols.
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Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of eggplant production by energy optimization using DEA approach
The main objective of this study was the determination of optimum energy requirement and potential of greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction of eggplant production by non-parametric method of data envelopment analysis (DEA) in Guilan province, Iran. The BCC and CCR models of DEA were applied to energy optimization. The results showed the 29, 39 and 30 units had the score equal one in technical, pure technical and scale efficiency, respectively. Also, the average of technical, pure technical and scale efficiency was calculated as 0.771, 0.956 and 0.806, respectively. The total saving energy was about 2830 MJ ha-1 and diesel fuel had the highest share of total energy saving with 48.49%. The energy use efficiency of target units was more than present units about 26%. The GHG emissions analysis indicated that total GHG emissions of present and optimum units were about 515 and 401 kgCO2eq. ha-1, respectively. So, the total potential of GHG emissions reduction was found about 115 kgCO2eq. ha-1. Moreover, the diesel fuel had the highest percentage of GHG emissions reduction by 58.58%; followed by machinery with 17.24% and nitrogen with 15.12%. Generally, it can be said the DEA approach was appropriate methods for energy optimization and reduction of GHG emissions in eggplant production.
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Service quality in commercial banks: a comparative analysis of selected banks in Bhubaneswar
The conceptualization and measurement of service quality have been the most debated and controversial topics in the services marketing literature to date. Perceived Service quality may be defined as the evaluation by the customers towards the overall excellence or uniqueness of the service rendered. The main objectives of the paper is to study the actual level of service quality in the nine selected commercial banks in Bhubaneswar by analyzing their scores as against the various service quality dimensions and to make a comparative analysis of the degree of service quality across Public, Private and Foreign banking sector operating in Bhubaneswar. The study has revealed that the foreign banks operating in Bhubaneswar provide better service quality, as compared to private and public sector banks. Citibank, ICICI Bank and State Bank of India (SBI) were perceived to deliver better services in their respective banking sectors. The point to worry is that public sector banks which account for over three-fourth of banking business in the country have failed to adequately satisfy their customers. Their Cumulative Service Quality (SQ) Score of 49.94 was found to be much below the expected score of 54.0. On the other hand, there is a close competition between the private sector banks (SQ of 69.77) and foreign banks (SQ of 72.33) for gaining the largest market share by providing excellent service.
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The Contribution of Improved Farming Technologies on Household Food Security
Food security is a major global concern since food is the most basic human need and access to food is a fundamental human right. The right to food is contained in the universal declaration of human rights that was adopted in 1948 by the general assembly and reaffirmed by the World Food Summit and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN in 1996. To show their solidarity over poverty and hunger issues, nations under the umbrella of the United Nation (UN) targets to halve by the year 2015 the proportion of people who are hungry. Tackling food insecurity problem on a global level poses critical dynamic challenges. Every country has its own individual dimensions adding to the overall food crisis in farming areas. Due to unprecedented subsidies given to farmers in terms of seeds and fertilizers, they are easily enticed to use larger portion of their land for cultivation of food. Consequently, farmers have to either spend more on buying food or reduce their food consumption, which subject their families to malnourishment and starvation. In other words, low level of investment practiced by poor small scale farmers do not attract economies of scales but makes them remain in constant debts and this incapacitates households’ ability to afford adequate food. Farmers being trapped in a debt cycle provide them no option but to keep cultivating this crop irrespective of the long-term, veiled hazardous consequences and questionable economic gains. The power of technological solutions to solve poverty problems currently witnessed in Kenya is installed by the myriad of institutional and supply policies. Moreover, with a better policy environment, investment in rural infrastructure and transport network can bring down input costs considerably by reducing one of the major supply constraints to adoption. Considerable adaptive research, stronger and decentralized research-extension farmer linkage is required to increase the speed with which farmers apply the viable technologies. The best judges of agricultural technology are the end users-the farmers and involving them in technology use is critical to the success of research investment programs for increased sustainable production to alleviate the persistent food insecurity in Kenya.
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The Relationship between Financial Development and Economic Development
In this paper, we investigate the relationship between financial development and economic growth in the emerging economies. We explore the effects of financial liberalization and the impact of financial development on economic growth in the emerging economies. Financial liberalization creates market-based incentives that promote economic growth, (Davies, 2010).This paper reviews, appraises, and critiques theoretical and empirical research on the connections between the operation of the financial system and economic growth. It describes the role of financial system development in economic growth at the macro level, both theoretically and empirically. It also describes briefly the relationship of corporate finance and firm performance. According to these discussions, the nature of casualty between the two was established. On the other hand, there is a very common view that financial development is significant and provides to economic growth popularly known as supply lending activity. Equally, there is an order following the belief which states that economic growth stimulates the progress of the financial sector. In addition, researchers state that a pointer association exists between financial development and economic growth. Due to the argument surrounding the link between the two, a group of researchers has subjected the financial growth link to experimental proof. However, despite their efforts, a gap remains in the literature. These results from the fact that very few studies have given attention to the stage development theory, developed by Patrick in nineteen sixty six, where the direction of casualty between the two variables changes over the course of development. The scarcity of experimental studies on Patrick’s theory may be due to limitation of information. It finally concludes the review and presents some policy implications in view of the reviewed literature. Furthermore, theory and evidence imply that better developed financial systems ease external financing constraints facing firms, which illuminates one mechanism through which financial development influences economic growth. The paper highlights many areas needing additional research.
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The semantic difference between arrogance and self-esteem in the Quran and Scriptures of Sajadieh
According to the teachings of Islam, the main source of glory to God, and all His glory. The Quran is very bad traits of human arrogance, is considered. In several places the Quran stipulates that all honor is with Allah, so if anyone is looking for glory, no way unless the Lord, to grant him and is in line with the faith and obedience of God, man Amour is also Scriptures of Sajadieh, in various statements, adjectives and adjective arrogance about blaming the esteem was deemed acceptable, and they have been studied. This study, based on an analytical method - description and use of resources in this context, the semantic difference, in terms of arrogance and self esteem in the Quran and Scriptures of Sajadieh, is discussed. The Quran, like the appearance of self-arrogance, but the dignity and arrogance like the evil arrogance, is a big nose. Between self-arrogance and humiliation, is located. Imam Sajjad (AS), the Scriptures, the Lord knows the glory and honor of God granting their request, and the request is not God's glory, do not allow. One barrier to achieving their self-esteem, arrogance knows, and in various ways preventing refer to Arrogance. As well as the dignity of Allah, the Quran, seeking forgiveness are the and It is shown that in the Islamic system, the source of self-formation, by God, not people. Thus, both the source, it was God all the glory, great cause Honorable, and Arrogance bad traits and will cause hardship.
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The Spiritual Intelligence (SI) components from the perspective of Islam and West
This paper deals with introduction of the West and Islamic perspective on Spiritual Intelligence (SI). After defining intelligence, different perspectives on SI are provided. Dimensions and characteristics of each of them and also the positive influence of SI on private and social life are discussed. And then the Islamic definition of SI is provided and the Islamic and West perspective on SI are compared. Also some of its properties and methods of strengthening are proposed. This paper also compare the Spirituality in new civilization and religious training, which is one of the basis of SI. And at end, differences between normal intelligence and spiritual intelligence, and also suggestions for its improvement are proposed.
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The Study of Ferroelectric Behaviour and Phase Transition of Sodium Nitrite
Sodium Nitrite is an example of crystal that were found to be ferroelectric a number of years after the discovery of their phase transitions. A change from a non-centrosymmetric to a centric structure is known to occur in NaNO2 at approximately 160 °C. This transition was discovered to be a ferroelectric in 1958. Above the Curie point, the structure is orthorhombic with lattice constants at 205 °C and space group Immm. The dielectric constant exhibits a sharp anomaly at the Curie point and obeys the Curie-Weiss law. The transition is obviously one of the first order. The spontaneous polarization is rather large, namely of the same order as that of KNO3. At 143 °C, Ps = 6.4x10-6 C/cm2, and the 50 c/s coercive field Ec = 2.3 kV/cm. The coercive field is is so large, at room temperature that hysteresis loops cannot be obtained with fields of the order of 25 kV/cm. Above the Curie point, these ions may oscillate along the [010] axis about positions which can be described in terms of the centrosymmetrical space group Immm, but there are also indications that this centric symmetry may be the result of random disorder.
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Treatment seeking behaviour of infertility in Uttar Pradesh: A comparison of rural and urban females
Infertility is considered as critical health problem among all societies all over the world. Infertility has many consequences for men and especially for women. Couples experience stigma, sense of loss, and diminished self-esteem in the setting of their infertility. Childless couples are stigmatized and discriminated against society. The blame for infertility is unquestioningly placed on the women. In this study an attempt has been made to estimate infertility. In this study an attempt has been made to estimate infertility from the direct questions regarding infertility and health seeking behaviour in Uttar Pradesh using the DLHS-III survey data collected in 2007-08. Here the study has been done for rural and urban regions separately. Chi-square techniques have been used to dependency of infertility on the various socio-demographic characteristics. Prevalence of lifetime infertility as well as lifetime primary infertility is higher in rural than urban areas. Treatment seeking is slightly higher among urban than rural women but there is not very big difference. Infertility is perceived as a problem across virtually all cultures and societies. The number of couples seeking treatment for infertility is increasing now-a-days due to more awareness of available services and latest and more successful techniques.
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