A necessary condition for similarity of indefinite sturm-liouville operators
We consider a singular Sturm-Liouville differential expression with an indefinite weight function and we present a necessary condition for similarity of indefinite Sturm-Liouville operators to self-adjoint operators. Using this result, we construct two examples and prove that none of them is similar to a self-adjoint operator.
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A survey of Wireless sensor Network Routing Protocol and lifetime of sensor network
Wireless sensor networks basically consist of low cost sensor nodes which collect data from environment and relay them to a sink, where they will be subsequently processed. Since wireless nodes are severely power-constrained, the major concern is how to conserve the nodes' energy so that network lifetime can be extended significantly. Employing one static sink can rapidly exhaust the energy of sink neighbors. Furthermore, using a non-optimal single path together with a maximum transmission power level may quickly deplete the energy of individual nodes on the route. This all results in unbalanced energy consumption through the sensor field, and hence a negative effect on the network lifetime. In this paper, we present a comprehensive taxonomy of the various mechanisms applied for increasing the network lifetime. These techniques, whether in the routing or cross-layer area, fall within the following types: multi-sink, mobile sink, multi-path, power control and bio-inspired algorithms, depending on the protocol operation. In this taxonomy, special attention has been devoted to the multi-sink, power control and bio-inspired algorithms, which have not yet received much consideration in the literature. Moreover, each class covers a variety of the state-of-the-art protocols, which should provide ideas for potential future works. Finally, we compare these mechanisms and discuss open research issues.
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Affected by Khajeh Abdollah Ansari, the Holy Quran in relation to certain
Interpretation of Khajeh Abdollah Ansari, in his valuable work, which so far have not found the complete text. Except to some sources, a portion of its content can not be achieved. The most important work that is part of the debate, have in reserve, Interpretation of revealed secrets and promise of the righteous, Abolfazl Rashidodon Meybodi, mystic and the great interpreter of the late fifth and early sixth centuries. The Quran also stipulates certain propositions, and never doubted that with phrases like (surely brigade) spells, humans, are invited to believe certain propositions in relation to research and emulate the faith, than it was then based on suspicious is not enough to know. Because of all this is that, knowing the certainty of the Quran, feasibility, and the way is open to everyone, although this little path are based on the Quran in many verses addressed to deal with enemies and infidels, while the validity of those arguments, it invites opponents to no argument or evidence to accuse them, undeniable proof read. Some of the arguments are not, and have certain faith discrete arguments, have tried, with persuasive arguments, to find a way to justify their faith. Such as what we have said is that the probability of God's existence, Edited believe it is because people are forced to accept or deny any of it. But the man of God, to deny something does not get along, if any, shall incur a huge loss. Holy Quran in many cases and argued argument as a means of studying certain uses, or that some of the arguments of the adversary, has demanded proof.
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Bacteriophages- a natural active cleanser proposed for Ganga clean up
With increasing population river pollution is becoming very serious day by day. Developing countries do not have much facility for sewage treatment and hence most of the raw sewage falls into the rivers directly. This activity loads pathogens to the river and thus the public health is severely affected. However, rivers like Ganga have bacteriophages which naturally kept the water clean from time immemorial. This nature’s gift can be employed to bring out an eco friendly technique which can disinfect water without any adverse side effects as seen in the case of chemical disinfection. Also, there is a natural check of life and death cycle which controls the phage population and hence makes this biological technique an easily controllable process. Also such natural tools are cheaper comparatively and can be harnessed to keep rivers clean.
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Bank Regulation in Dollarized Economies in Nepal
This paper examine how a financial sector affects the economy direct financial claims suggested with effect of dollarization in Nepal claims held by ultimate savers which are liabilities of those who invest in real assets. The exposition is further simplified by introducing a second sector in the economy. Assume that firms specialize in investing in real assets financed by issuance of direct financial liabilities, while households specialize in saving and investing in these direct financial claims. Financial claims are reflected in the flow of funds accounts as liabilities of firms, but, as assets of households. Real assets, however, appear only on the balance sheet of the sector which owns them. Sector relationships can be seen by aggregating all members of a sector together with respected to some developing countries.
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Blind Taste Test of Soft-drinks – A Comparison Study on Coke and Pepsi
What distinguishes a brand from its unbranded commodity counterpart and gives it equity is the sum total of consumers’ perceptions and feelings about the product’s attributes and how they perform, about the brand name and what it stands for, and about the company associated with the brand. By creating perceived differences among products through branding and developing a loyal consumer franchise, marketers create value that can translate to financial profits for the firm. This marketing activity resides in the mind of customers and as a result customer shapes a perception about the brand, biggest challenge here is creating positive perceptions by ensuring that customers have right type of experiences with product so that both functional experiences as well as emotional experiences become associated with the product. Thus Brand perception is the image which a brand creates in the mind of the customers due to the various associations linked with the brand. How does brand matter? Brand matters how it has been differentiated or created competitive advantage. Competitive advantage can developed in two ways; some brands create with product performance and some brands create through non-product-related performance. For example Coca-cola has been a leader in soft-drink category for decades by understanding consumer motivations and desires and creating relevant appealing images surrounding their products. Often these intangible image associations may be the only way to distinguish different brands in a product category. Thus this study tries to understand how these imagery associations or non-product-related performance plays important role in product differentiation.
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Corporate social responsibility and risk management of multinational companies: a case study of body shop
The present research paper formulated a conceptual framework for multinational companies to manage their risks with the help of corporate social responsibility initiatives and efforts. The case study of The Body Shop is analyzed for this purpose using the corporate social responsibility pyramid. The different corporate social responsibility initiatives and practices of The Body Shop were analyzed to determine which risks were being managed by those initiatives. The results of the present study showed that an organization can increase its output by reducing its risks associated with operations through corporate social responsibility activities related to environment, health and safety. Other risks including compliance and strategic risks can be catered to with the help of corporate social responsibility.
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Diagram Translation by Blind Translators
The world population is composed of a large number of people heterogeneous in several dimensions such as age, gender, social class, educational level, political and economic status, abilities and disabilities, and so forth. The dimension of abilities and disabilities has led to formation of various groups of individuals including the group of blind people. Translation is one of the professions maintained by many blind individuals resulting in formation of such a sub-group as blind translators. Blind translators, like other translators, perform different translation-related tasks, one of which is ‘diagram translation’, the main focus of this paper. This essay investigates different aspects of diagram translation by blind people. Major ‘accommodations and assistive technologies’ used by blind individuals including screen-readers, speech synthesizers, OCR technology, and Braille devices are the primary points discussed. Basic computerized systems designed exclusively for the purpose of diagram translation by such individuals are the next points covered in this paper. A significant categorization of electronic accessibility devices (based on the media of representation through either haptic or audio) with major innovations in each category are other points mentioned here. The researcher indicates various strong and weak points of these applications and technologies and makes comparisons between them in order to suggest blind translators the best options in accordance with their aims and necessities.
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Discourse Analysis and Communication between Cultures
Discourse analysis is a rapidly growing and evolving field. Current research in this field now flows from numerous academic disciplines that are very different from one another. Included, of course, are the disciplines in which models for understanding and methods for analyzing discourse first developed, such as linguistics, anthropology, and philosophy. But also included are disciplines that have applied – and thus often extended – such models and methods to problems within their own academic domains, such as communication, cognitive psychology, social psychology, and artificial intelligence. Given this disciplinary diversity, it is no surprise that the terms “discourse” and “discourse analysis” have different meanings to scholars in different fields. For many, particularly linguists, “discourse” has generally been defined as anything “beyond the sentence.” For others (for example Fasold 1990: 65), the study of discourse is the study of language use. These definitions have in common a focus on specific instances or spates of language. But critical theorists and those influenced by them can speak, for example, of “discourse of power” and “discourses of racism,” where the term “discourses” not only becomes a count noun, but further refers to a broad conglomeration of linguistic and nonlinguistic social practices and ideological assumptions that together construct power or racism. The main objective of this paper is first to give a brief historical account of several of the main lines of development of these different perspectives. Then we will look more closely at the presuppositions about the nature of discursive and communicative research which underlie these different approaches. Finally we will discuss some of the problematical areas which remain in the intersection of discourse analysis and intercultural communication.
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Dr. Hamida Chishti joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 25th September 2013
We are very happy to announce that from 25th September 2013, Dr. Hamida Chishti has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Chemistry. Dr. Hamida Chishti is currently working as Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology, Srinagar, India 190006. The appointment of Dr. Hamida Chishti as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to elixirpublishers@gmail.com. Sincerely Editor-in-Chief
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