Fighting against blackhole attack using anomaly detection via SVM in Manet
Security is the primary concern in any system especially in case of communication where everything is relies on cooperation among other. In this article we analyze the impact of the most dangerous attacks of wireless mess network called blackhole attack that can totally disrupt the network. Behavioral anomaly detection using SVM (SUPPORTED VECTOR MACHINE) is an attractive choice to monitor the suspicious activity like black hole. For the detection of balckhole attack we will uses the behavior parameters of node (relaying node) (PDR (PACKET DELIVERY RATIO), throughput), by analyzing the node behavior the malicious activity of the node can deprive the traffic from the source node.In order to prevent this kind of attack, it is crucial to detect the abnormality occurs during the attack. In conventional schemes, anomaly detection is achieved by defining the normal state from static training data. However, in mobile ad hoc networks where the network topology dynamically changes, such static training method could not be used efficiently.
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Germination and early growth of eucalyptus plants in commercial potting substrate amended with different rates of vermicompost
Vermicompost has been promoted as a viable alternative container media component for the horticulture industry. The purpose of this research was to investigate the use of vermicompost at different points in the production cycle of eucalyptus seedlings. The incorporation of vermicompost of city refuse origin into germination media up to 20% v/v enhanced shoot and root weight, leaf area, and shoot:root ratios of seedlings; however amendment with vermicompost had little influence on seed germination. Moreover there was no effect on the germination of seed of any species. When seedlings of eucalyptus were transplanted into 6-cell packs there was greater plant growth in media amended with vermicompost compared to the control media, and the greatest growth when vermicompost was amended into both the germination and transplant media. This effect was increased when seedlings in the transplant media were irrigated with water containing fertilizer.
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List of articles published in the month of May 2013
Table of contents for the month of May 2013
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Mr. Atul R Bendale joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 8th December 2015
We are very happy to announce that from 8th December 2015, Mr. Atul R Bendale has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He/She will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Pharmacy. Mr. Atul R Bendale working as Assistant Professor in subject of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Smt. B.N.B Swaminarayan Pharmacy College Salvav, Vapi (Affilated to VNSGU, Surat and GTU, Ahmadabad). The appointment of Mr. Atul R Bendale as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to
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Mr. J. Naren joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 13th November 2015
We are very happy to announce that from 13th November 2015, Mr. J. Naren has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He/She will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Computer Science. Mr.J.Naren working as Assistant Professor (Grade – II) in the Department of CSE – School of Computing, SASTRA University, Thanjavur. The appointment of Mr. J. Naren as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to
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Relationship between board of directors diversity, compostion and corporate performance: evidence from Nigerian banking sector
The role of corporate board of directors in aligning the interest of diverse groups, ensuring discipline and effectiveness among board members cannot be over emphasised, although there are limited empirical investigations on African firms and Nigeria in particular about the nature of the relationship between board variables and firms financial performances. This study apply Pearson correlation and regression analyses to examined the relationship between board composition (proportion of; non-executive directors, executive directors and women directors) and corporate financial performance for a sample of commercial banks in Nigeria. Using two financial performance indicators; return on asset and return on equity from 2008-2012, the study find out that board composition as defined above is not related to corporate financial performance.
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Review of stage-frequency data analysis methods
Surveying number entering a particular stage of a stage-structured population (e.g. arthropods) using field sampling data has been subject of many studies in last 60 years. Stage-frequency data consist of count of individuals in different development stages in samples taken from a population over a period of time. Several methods are then available for deriving estimates of stage-specific survival rates and other population parameters that are of interest to the ecologists that Manly (1990) listed 23 methods. The application of some of these methods is limited by their computational difficulty and others are limited by restrictive assumption that they make. Each method has advantages and disadvantages which arise from its assumptions. The first method in this field may be offered by Richards and Waloff (1954). Richards et al (1961), Dempster (1961), and Southwood and Jepson(1962) suggested further methods and the KNM method proposed by Kiritani & Nakasuji (1967) and extended by Manly (1974). There is therefore something of a problem for the data analyst to decide what is the best for a particular set of data. The purpose of this note is presenting a review of some important and applicable methods to show differences among these. So, it is recommend that any method be used with respect to the required information and parameters.
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Store image and marketing performance of supermarkets in south-east region of Nigeria
The paper examines Electronic Recruiting (e-recruiting) Strategy and Corporate adoption in Nigeria. The objective of this paper is to empirically investigate the successes associated with adopting electronic recruiting strategy by corporations in Nigeria since many corporations have not adopted or accepted this form of strategy. The paper adopts the documentary and survey methods. The statistical tool adopted for this paper adopts Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient and the Pearson Product Moment Correlation with the aid of statistical package for social sciences. The paper finds that there is a significant relationship between website design and relative advantage; significant relationship between web design and complexity on corporate adoption in Nigeria, and that trust indicated an influence on the relationship between E-recruitment strategy and Corporate adoption in Nigeria. The paper recommends amongst others: improvement of service delivery to achieve efficient and effective web-based, e-recruiting; effective base for data-ware houses; the recruiting website should be interactive, pleasing and user-friendly. The paper suggests that further studies should be carried on diffusion study of e-recruiting to identify the underlying determinants of the level of acceptance of this technology by corporations in Nigeria. Keywords: E-recruiting, Corporate adoption, Website design, relative advantage, Complexity, Information Technology, Trust on Systems Security.
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The comparison of impressionability of conflict solving strategies based on the components of organizational justice (Case study: labor and social affair organization of Qom)
Nowadays regarding to increasing complexity of organizations and differences in thoughts, attitudes and beliefs of individuals, there has been some conflicts in organizations as inevitable part of organizational life which should be properly identified and managed. But now what is important to resolve organizational conflicts is awareness of the five conflict management strategies and their appropriate contexts and applications in order to select the appropriate strategy for each position; not only to prevent damage to the organization, but leading them to the realization of organizational goals. Organizational Justice is an ability of managing organizational conflict. The process and outcomes of Organizational Justice includes many results such as reduction of stress, enhancing understanding and communication, increasing stability, continuity and empathy. Conflict management is to resolve disputes, teamwork, and cooperation, working with people through shared goals, etc. this is a descriptive survey which sought to identify the impact of Organizational Justice on conflict solving strategies. In this regard, this survey achieves some results in conflict solving strategies and its impressionability based on the components of emotional intelligence.
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The effect of paragraph writing on vocabulary learning of Iranian intermediate EFL students
This study aimed to investigate the effect of paragraph writing on vocabulary learning of Iranian intermediate EFL students. The main question this study tried to answer was whether Paragraph Writing might enhance higher knowledge of vocabulary in Iranian learners of English. To answer the question, 30 English intermediate students (male & female) participated in the experiment of the study. They were selected Via an OPT test score which had its own criteria to select a homogenous group. Then they were divided into two groups and were randomly assigned to an experimental and a control group. The participants of this study were all students at Azad University of Tonekabon. Next, a pre – test of English vocabulary taken from TOEFL book, was administered to both groups. The pretest consisted of 20 multiple – choice of vocabulary each had 1 point as their score. Then, they were taught vocabularies for 10 sessions but with different methodologies: the experimental group received the treatment of Paragraph Writing for ten sessions, using the vocabulary they were taught. However, the control group received the existing methods of teaching vocabulary like translation and synonyms, etc. A post – test of English vocabulary which was parallel with the pretest but had different items was then administered to both groups. The data of the study were analyzed using an independent sample t – test to indicate the groups' post – test mean difference. The degree of progress from the pre – test to the post – test in the two groups of the study was indicated by calculating two separate ANCOVA coefficients. The result indicated that the Iranian EFL learners in the experimental group received higher scores, though not significantly, in vocabulary after being treated with 10 sessions of the treatment.
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