The Quality of Light-Openings in the Iranian Brick Domes (with the Structural Approach)
Paying attention to light is considered as one of the most prominent features of Iranian traditional architecture, which influenced most of its structural and conceptual patterns. The construction of light-openings in the buildings such as masjids, bazaars, madrasas, and caravanserais, as the Iranian outstanding monuments, proves the point. The Iranian master-mimars’ strategies to create the light-openings in the domes has been taken into consideration through this study. To this end, the light-openings’ exact location, according to the domes’ structural properties have been taken into analysis. Next, based on the foursome classification of the domes, the research theoretical framework has been determined, and through applying the case-study and the combined research methods, the case-studies have been studied meticulously. According to the achieved results, the light-openings of the Iranian brick domes have been located at four distinguished areas, including: 1- the dome’s top, 2- the dome’s curve, 3- the dome’s shekargah and 4- the dome’s drum. Moreover, because of the structural limitations of each type of dome, the constructional techniques have played the pivotal role at locating the light-openings in the domes.
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The Size, Morphology, Electrochemical Measurement and Optical Properties of Cuo Nanocrystals Using New Oxide Source by Sol-Gel Technique
Spherical shaped CuO nanocrystals were successfully synthesized by sol–gel technique. Triethanolamine (TEA) used as a capping agent to control the size, morphology and optical properties of the CuO nanocrystals. Evolution of structure, surface morphology and optical absorption analysis of these nanocrystals were studied using UV–Visible spectrophotometer (UV–Vis), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). UV–Visible technique used to measure the band gap of TEA capped CuO nanocrystals having good optical property compared than uncapped CuO nanocrystals in the synthesized samples. The FT-IR study of transmittance peaks at 502 cm-1,603 cm-1 and 674 cm-1 were Cu-O stretching mode, and 677 cm-1 has been Cu-O monoclinic phase of the uncapped CuO nanocrystals. In addition the transmittance peaks at 502 cm-1, 583 cm-1 have been Cu-O Stretching mode and 784 cm-1 are Cu-O monoclinic phase of the Triethanolamine capped CuO nanocrystals.
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TVET and Dynamics of Wealth Creation
Wealth is a major factor in any economy in the comity of nations. It is of necessity that TVET (Technical and Vocational Educational and Training) leads in this aspect of harnessing the abundant human resources of a nation. TVET stands for Technical and Vocational Education and Training. In this case, people are offered education, training, vocational and technical skills. This paper therefore examines in details its role in the creation of wealth.
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War against the Heinous Crime of Human Trafficking in Nigeria: An Assessment
The paper makes an assessment of the war against the heinous crime of human trafficking in Nigeria. The discourse considers human trafficking in the global perspective where it reveals that some countries in Africa, Asia, Europe & Americas are all involved in the illicit trade. Several reasons have been presented as causes of child or human trafficking which include poverty, unemployment, zeal to travel to Europe or America, parents’ persuasion, quest for materialism, naivety or ignorance, abuse of traditional method of fostering children etc. The effects of this unwholesome trade are so devastating on not only the victims but also on the society at large. Some of the effects include the deprivation of young women and children from acquiring skills needed for national development; it mares the image of the country; it enhances the orgy of ritual killings, contracting of killer diseases like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and fatal accidents. The extent of the war against human trafficking has been discussed extensively. It includes the establishment of the Child Rights Act of 2003 amended 2005; the establishment of NAPTIP charged with the responsibility of enforcing laws against human trafficking; prescription of 10 years jail term for convicted traffickers, enlightenment programmes of NAPTIP, and the partnering with other countries as bilateral agreements to repatriate victims and support the fight. The police and law enforcement agents are also playing their part in the fight. Consequently, recommendations were made such as embarking on enlightenment programmes by government at all levels; enactment of more laws; job creation by establishing new industries and reactivating old ones; need to involve other agencies such Nigerian Immigration Services; stop such cultural practices that enhance child trafficking; and include human trafficking in the school curriculum. Key Words: Human trafficking, heinous crime, prostitution, illicit trade
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20 principles of lack of feasibility of implementing enterprise resource planning ERP for the petrochemical industry in Iran
Competitive business environment, the necessity of inter-organizational and intra –organizational integration in the supply chain and also the spread development in the field of information system, are the most important factors for creating organization‘s resource planning system. These systems by creating operational and management integration inside and outside of the organizations and facilitating and accelerating business process increase the efficiency and operational affectivity of organizations and prepare them for the competitive marketing (Olson, 2003). The aim of the present study is applicable and the method is descriptive. The sample consists of 90 employees of Bistoon‘s petro chemical company that were selected randomly. The required data and information provided by questionnaire. The results determined that Bistoon‘s petro chemical company doesn‘t have the ability of integrated establishment of organizational source from four aspects of (organizational structure, human resource, finance, economics and organizational culture).
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A comparative analysis of online newsoaper articles
In European Union citizens are expected to take responsibility and actions to limit the threat of climate change as well as authorities or corporations. However, while only 36 percent of citizens in Lithuanian take personal action, 75 percent of British do. In light of framing as media effects theory media coverage can be considered as an explanation for different levels of personal contribution. Based on the latter assumption the online news content in Lithuania and the United Kingdom was investigated in terms of attribution of responsibility to citizens, authorities and industry/corporations. The findings showed that the use of the same frames varies by country and political preferences of media. However, the findings were not explicit enough to prove the one directional relationship between media content and individual level behavior, where media is perceived as having power upon individuals. Contrary, the results showed that social problems guide thematic choices of editorials and therefore individuals have impact on media. As a result, findings raised concerns that the notion of framing as an interactive process would more relevant than the assumption of framing as linear process.
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Academic law libraries and management of resources for national development in Nigeria
The vision of the administration under Goodluck Jonathan is packaged in Transformation Agenda which is aimed at holistic overhaul of every segment of national life. Members of the legal profession have a critical role to play towards the success of the transformation agenda. However, a lawyer can only be as good as the system of legal education that produced him; hence the need to revive and reposition the legal education framework. The paper discussed the responsibility of academic law libraries in the shaping of legal practitioners and towards the academic community. It x-rayed the challenges facing these libraries and made recommendations for improved law library services in Nigeria.
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Algorithm for graph with different vertices
In this paper we will discuss the algorithm for new type of graph which vertices are different. The algorithm for each type of this graph also will be illustrated. Then we will illustrate different examples for each type.
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Computer virus: their problems & major attacks in real life
Today’s enterprise networks are distributed to different geographical locations and applications are more centrally located, information represents the most important asset. With the growing number of data communication services, channels and available software applications, data are processed in large quantities and in a more efficient manner. This technological enhancement offers new flexible opportunities also measure security threats poses in the networks. These threats can external or Internal, external threats divided as hacking, virus attack, Trojans, worms etc. There are thousand and thousand of different viruses these days which improve every day. Although the wild spread of new and strong viruses, it still infects and spread only with user’s permission. This research paper highlights the phases of computer virus, computer virus, history of worst computer attack, type of computer virus with effect on computer & few examples of virus on their types, working of computer virus, and problem occur due to virus in computers.
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Detection of protease from latex producing plant by X-ray film by DOT-BLOT method
Many plants contain latex that exuded when leaves are damaged & number of protein & enzymes have been found in it. The latex of some plant families such as Asclepiadaceae, Apocynaceae, Caericaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Moraceae, Meliaceae, Sopodilla contains endopeptidase. In presence study fourteen various latex producing plants were identify for the presence of proteolytic activity by dot-blot X ray film method. The Euphorbia synudenium, Caloteopisprocera, Thevetia Peruviana, Ficusreligiosa, Caricapapaya, Azarirachta indica, Ficusbengalensis, Manikarazopota, caloteopisgigantea, degrade the gelatin on the x-ray film & the clear zone is formed at the site of application on x-ray film which indicates the presence of protease in the sample. The Jatrophacurcus, Plumeriarubera, Euphorbia triucalli, Ficusracemosa, Ricinuscommanis show no zone of clearances at the site of sample on x-ray film which shows absence of protease. The protein estimation of a various latex containing plants were done by lowery‘s method. The Euphorbia synudenium ,Caloteopisprocera, Thevetiaperuviana, Ficusreligiosa, Caricapapaya ,Azarirachtaindica, Ficusbengalensis, Manikarazopota, caloteopisgigantea, Jatrophacurcus, Plumeriarubera, Euphorbia triucalli Ficusracemosa, Ricinuscommanisin show protein concentration in between the rang of 45µg-390µg/ 0.1ml respectively. The proteolytic activities of enzymes preparation isolated from latex containing plants were estimated by using casein as substrate.In the present paper we described a simple and inexpensive procedure to detect protease of latex containing plants by the X- ray film dot-blot method.
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