Efficacy of leaf extract of aegle marmelos on the biochemical changes on orse gram macrotyloma uniflorum infected by root-knot nematode melodogyne incognita
Root-knot nematodes modify plants root tissue and decrease plant growth and ultimately the crop yield the severity of crops loss resulting from root-knot nematode attack in the field is influenced by many biological and physiological factors. Though most of the researchers have investigated that leaves, roots are valuable constituents of the plants for nematicidal activities. Hence, the present study the biochemical characteristics like phenol, nitrate reductase activity and total chlorophyll content of horse gram, Macrotyloma uniflorum on infected with Meloidogyne incognita treated with leaf extract of Aegle marmelos. The biochemical constituents like nitrate reductase activity and chlorophyll content were increased by increasing concentration of leaf extract treated plants and it is decreased by increasing level of egg masses (5, 10 and 15) inoculated control than non- inoculated control except phenol.
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Empirical review of the role of microfinance bank’s operations on poverty alleviation in Nigeria
The scourge of poverty and the rate at which the figure is growing has necessitated the establishment of many anti-poverty programmes by different administrations in Nigeria. As at 2010 the number of Nigerians living below poverty line stood at 72 million, this then means that nearly half of Nigeria Population of 160 million is living below poverty line with all the anti-poverty programmes put in place. This figure is still on the increase. Microfinance Banking is the most recent and the only anti-poverty programme that combines financial intermediation with provision of financial services to the poor in the society. This paper therefore examined the role of Microfinance Bank’s operations on poverty alleviation in Nigeria. Data for the study were generated via secondary sources. The study built a regression model in line with the hypotheses. SPSS package version 17.0 was used. We tested for and corrected Autocorrelation and Muiticoliinearity. Our findings were as follows: the operations of MFBs have played significant role in poverty reduction in Nigeria, loans and advances of MFBs have significant negative impact on poverty alleviation. Some of our of our findings were in agreement with the objectives of MFB, while those that were not in agreement reflect the peculiar circumstances of the operations of microfinance banking in Nigeria. Since the government of Nigeria is interested in alleviating poverty, this work will be of immense help. The government can support Microfinance development by promoting macroeconomic stability, and avoiding interest rate caps and high inflation, ensure that the benefits of Microfinance banking are targeted at the core poor.
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Frequency in germination studies of chlorophyll mutants in effectiveness and efficiency using chemical mutagens
The germination study was made to understand the genetic variability in Zea mays (L.) variety JKMH-1001which was subjected to chemical mutagenic treatments for two generations. The chemical mutagens namely, EMS, DES and Sodium azide were used. The mutagen treated seeds were tested for lethal dose of 50 per cent for all mutagens, separately and the dose at which 50 per cent of the seed germination was considered as LD50 values were grown in the field. The spectrum of chlorophyll mutation consisted of albino, chlorina, viridis and xandha. The morphological mutations observed at tall, dwarf, early maturity, late maturity, triangular leaf, bold size seed, long ear, short ear and male sterility in all the concentration recorded. In EMS was found to be more effective and efficient than the other mutagens. The effectiveness was producing germination and chlorophyll mutants. Effectiveness means frequency of mutations induced by unit dose/concentration of a mutagen. The efficiency means undesirable biological effect like lethality and sterility caused by the mutagen. The effectiveness and efficiency generally decreased with increased in the higher doses of the mutagens in certain level.
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Herbage yield and quality responses of plant components of Jack Bean (canavalia ensiformis) to planting density
Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) was field grown at population densities of 10.0, 13.3, 17.8, 20.0, 26.7 and 40.0 x 103 plants/ha and evaluated for herbage yield and quality 63 days after planting. Dry matter (DM) yield of all the plant components examined increased up to a density of 26.7 x 103 plants/ha and then declined. The leaf fraction and the total plant recorded maximum of 3698 and 5787 Kg DM/ha respectively. As population density increased, the leaf: stem ratio decreased from 2.7 to 2.0 to 1.6. The leaf blade, leaf stalk, stem (main stem and young branches) and developing inflorescences fraction registered averages of 24.5, 8.6, 7.8 and 17.8 % crude protein respectively. It could be concluded that Jack bean has the potential to serve as supplement to low quality ruminant feed sources.
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In vitro and In vivo metabolism of N-Nitrosodimethylamine using male Rats
The research is to investigate the denitrosation of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) by the mitochondrial fractions (MF) and post-mitochondrial fractions (PMF) of liver, kidney, spleen and testes of rats and to determine the level of toxicity in these organs. In the first part of the work, a group of male albino rats (5 rats) was used to obtain the organs whose homogenates were used for the Kinetic experiments. In the second part, two groups were used. One group was group was treated with 2.5mg/kg NDMA twice per week for four weeks, while the other group was the control. The organs obtained from the rats were used for histology and biochemical parameters (ALT, AST and GGT). In the four organs, the level of nitrite was found to be higher in the MF than PMF. The (Km) values of denitrosation were lower in the MF than the PMF. The Km values for the MF of the kidney, spleen and testes were calculated to be 0.005, 0.004, 0.004 and 0.005 ?M, respectively, while the Km values for the PMF were calculated to be 0.013, 0.025, 0.007 and 0.033 ?M, respectively. The activities of ALT, AST and GGT enzymes in serum and liver were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the NDMA-treated rats than controls. Histology showed the presence of shrunken hepatocytes in liver, interstitial cellular infiltration in kidney, lymphoid depletion in spleen, and severe subcapsular congestion in the testes of NDMA-treated rats, compared with controls. This research shows that NDMA denitrosating enzymes in the MF have greater affinity for NDMA than the same enzymes in the PMF, It also shows that NDMA at a low dose could induce toxicity in the spleen, kidney, testes, as well as liver.
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List of articles published in the month of April 2015
Table of contents for the month of April 2015
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Optimization of production parameters and evaluation of shelf life of Rhizobium biofertilizers
One of the major concerns in today's world is the pollution and contamination of soil. The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has caused serious health diseases. Many studies revealed a microbial preparation (biofertilizer) does not harm to the environment. Pisum sativum (Garden Pea) is known for its dietary protein source, fodder for animals and symbiotic nitrogen fixation by Rhizobium present in its root nodules. This study revealed that organism cannot grow on Glucose-Peptone Agar plate but able to grow on Yeast Extract Mannitol Agar medium (YEMA) plates and detains pink colour of YEMA medium. Different biochemical tests were done to identify Rhizobium like urease, nitrate reduction, oxidase, catalase and salt tolerance test. The present study describes the optimization of production parameters and evaluation of shelf life of Rhizobium biofertilizer inoculated in multani mitti and coal ash. It utilizes sucrose as sole carbon source, different amount of yeast extract and salts such as Epsom salt (Sendha namak), Halite (Kala namak), NaCl, NaNO3, KI. The Rhizobium isolated from Pisum sativum roots has potential to produce industrially important biofertilizer. Quality control tests were done at the stage of mother culture, production culture and purity of carrier materials. Utilization of coal ash and multani mitti as carrier in biofertilizer formulations emerged as safe and effective alternatives. Shelf life of Rhizobium biofertizer in coal ash was found to have better growth for two months. The Rhizobium can be easily immobilized onto carriers like coal ash and multani mitti hence the best way to control waste like coal ash.
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Problem solving in electric & magnet: animation in hypermedia presentation
Development of technology in education brings extended enhancement of pedagogical in teaching and learning of electric & magnet subject. This paper is focused in designing electric & magnet problem solving tool. Flash8 software is used to develop 15 animations related to the electric & magnet topic: Magnetic field. All those animations are then compiled in a sheet of prezi.com presentation software as an animated mind-mapping hypermedia presentation. Result of the complete page can be accessed in Google website if the keywords were entered. Despite the tool also can be downloaded as apps from your iPad, iPhone or android in the Monkey market or in the Android market. This problem solving aids is also recommended for the tutorial, teaching or e-learning purposes. Although the design focused on the electric & magnet topic, it is also applicable to be performed in any other subject area.
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Prof. Goswami Tridib Kumar has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 31st July 2015
We are very happy to announce that from 31st July 2015, Prof. Goswami Tridib Kumar has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Food Processing and Preservation. Prof. Goswami Tridib Kumar currently working as Professor, Department of Agricultural And Food Engineering, IIT, Kharagpur – 721302, India. The appointment of Prof. Goswami Tridib Kumar as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal.
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Prof. Ubaldo Comite joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 8th June 2015
We are very happy to announce that from 8th June 2015, Prof. Ubaldo Comite has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Private and Public Management, Nonprofit Organizations and Accounting. Prof. Ubaldo Comite currently working as Professor, Department of Business Sciences, Budget and Business Organization at the Faculty of Economy, University of Calabria, Italy. The appointment of Prof. Ubaldo Comite as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to elixirpublishers@gmail.com.
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