Quality improved integrated inventory model with trade credit and preservation technology
Chang et al proposed an integrated inventory model with an order-size-dependent trade credit. However, quality issues were not discussed in their model. It is unrealistic for a production system to produce 100 percent good products. This paper extends Chang et al. model and studies an integrated supplier-retailer inventory model where trade credit and defective items are considered. Therefore, to incorporate the concept of supplier – retailer integration and order-size-dependent trade credit, we present a stylized model to determine the optimal strategy for an integrated supplier -retailer inventory system under the condition of trade credit linked to the order quantity, where the demand rate is considered to be a decreasing function of the retail price. In this paper, we propose an integrated supplier–retailer inventory model in which both supplier and retailer have adopted trade credit policies, and the retailer receives an arriving lot containing some defective items. An attempt is made to characterize the preservation technology for deteriorating items to reduce the deterioration rate. Moreover, we consider the capital investment in quality improvement. The objective of our analysis is to determine the optimal ordering, shipping, and quality improvement policies to maximize joint total profit per unit time. Results have been validated with relevant examples.
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Quranic teachings in personal and social life of Imam Reza (AS)
Holy Quran in thoughts, words and deeds Householdt: embodiment and objectivity of the findings, and character Sage and holy and spoke to them, directly or indirectly, of God's enlightening book, in its different aspects, in this paper, based on an analytical method - descriptive, and enjoying written and unwritten sources, to examine the place of the Holy Quran, the life of Imam Reza (AS) has been paid, and for this purpose, as stated in the Quran The importance of individual issues and social holiness has been, and observed that, in the important missions of Imams, the propagation of religion, expression and interpretation of the provisions of the Quran. Imam Reza, the true interpreters of the Quran, full of life Bless them, a very special thanks to this great guide to have, and in addition to the use of personal after it had other dimensions, the frequency of interest These books have been transferred to others.
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Relationship between organizational justice and organizational commitment of staff in Payame Noor universities
Employees play a substantive role in taking many decisions in organizations. Whether the decisions made with regards to the employees are just is occasionally questioned. The behaviors of the employees against justice began to be analyzed, as justice being taken seriously in organization. (Serdar ÇÖP et al.,2008) Without a perception of justice and fairness, organizations will have great difficulty in motivating and guiding employees. Organizational fairness demonstrates the administration’s respect for employees and produces a bridge of trust that ultimately strengthens the employees’ commitment to the organization employees who feel that their employing organization is fair and just in dealing with workers will encourage trust and loyalty ., and this will ultimately increase the organizational commitment of the worker. ( Lambert,2003)
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Relationship between Yield and Yield Components in Rice (Oryzae sativa L.) under Drought using Multivariate Statistics
The aim of study was to screen out rice (Oryzae sativa L.) genotypes with better drought tolerance, to explore observable responses of rice plants towards drought stress and multivariate statistics were used to compare the relationships among the responses as well as their effects on yield and yield reduction under drought stress. Genotypes responded differently under same level of stress. Results revealed that as a response to drought, all the genotypes showed 42 % average increase in seedling root length; 39 % average decrease in seedling shoot length; 21 % average reduction in 1000 grain weight; delay in heading time of 13 days in average; average yield per plant reduction of 47 %; reduction in grains per panicle of 52% in average, when subjected to simulated drought stress. It was concluded that in addition to correlation and path analysis of yield components, cluster analysis, factor analysis and principal component analysis are also very important methods for screening drought tolerant cultivars of rice in large populations and give better understandings of associations and helps better to choose important variables and genotypes. Factor analysis and Principal component analysis revealed the importance of drought response index, as a best measurement for yield under stress condition. Seedling root length to shoot length ratio, followed by seedling root length ratio contrubute majorly in yield per plant under drought stress. Reduction in plant height and delay in heading time were main causes of yield reduction under stress. It was further concluded that selecting the genotypes showing higher drought response index, higher increase in s ling root length, seedling root to shoot length ratio and less reduction in plant height and delay in heading time, are important criteria in screening for drought tolerance. Also these characters showed high heritability and genetic advance, signifying their values in selection breeding, and higher phenotypic correlation values indicating their polygenic behavior and high influence of environment.
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Studies in the Synthesis of Substituted Furoinbenzoinoximes
Recently, the synthesis of furoinoxime, furoinhydrazone, furoinphenylhydrazone, furoinsemicarbazone were synthesized by the interactions of furoinbenzoin with hydroxylamine hydrochloride, hydrazine hydrate, phenyl hydrazine and semicarbazide hydrochloride in presence of aqueous sodium hydroxide in DMF-water (80%) medium respectively. The synthesis of furoinbenzoin were carried out by the known literature method. The structure of all the synthesized compounds were justified on the basis of chemical characteristics, elemental and I.R. and NMR spectral analysis. Keywords :- Sodium hydroxide, DMF-water (80%) medium, substituted benzoinoximes, furoinbenzoinoximes.
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The influence of the plant coverage on the desertification status in Jarghooye region of Isfahan using IMDPA model
The issue of plant coverage, destroying it and the resulting influence on desertification process has long been taken into consideration by the scholars and researchers of different fields of study specially natural resources and agriculture. In many areas of the world, human being has played the main role, intentionally or unintentionally, in desertification or speeding up the rate of it. It has been accepted that proper and effective plant coverage slows down the rate of desertification to a great extent in an area susceptible for desertification and also it makes the condition conducive for changing the ecosystems into a better form. The current study has been done with the objective of determining the quantitative influence of the plant coverage in Jarghooye area on desertification in this region that is one of the most susceptible areas of the country. In this study, Iranian Model of Desertification Potential Assessment (IMDPA) was applied. This model is one of the valuable models for determining the level of desertification in different areas of Iran. The results of this study shows that the coverage exploitation index with the numeral value of 3.18 is in sever class and has the most influence on the indices studied in the region. Generally the plant coverage index of this area with the numeral value of 1.99 is indicator of the average influence on desertification process in Jarghooye region.
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The Jordan Canonical Forms of Complex s-orthogonal and s-skew symmetric Matrices
We study the Jordan Canonical Forms of complex s-orthogonal and s-symmetric matrices, and consider some related results.
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A Real – Time Irrigation Control System for Precision Agriculture using WSN in Indian Agricultural Sectors
India is the agriculture based country. Agricultural sector is playing vital role in Indian economy. Our ancient people completely depended on the agricultural harvesting. This paper is a basic implementation to bring Indian agricultural system to the world class standards. Paper is used to find the exact field condition. Irrigation by help of freshwater resources in agricultural areas has a crucial importance. Because of highly increasing demand for freshwater, optimal usage of water resources has been provided with greater extent by automation technology and its apparatus such as drip irrigation, sensors and remote control. Our paper aim is to control the wastage of water in the field by using the drip irrigation and also to provide exact controlling of field by atomizing the agricultural environment by using the components and building the necessary hardware. The humidity and temperature of plants are precisely monitored and controlled. By using drip irrigation the water will be maintained at the constant level i.e. the water will reach the roots by going drop by drop. Irrigation system controls valves by using automated controller to turn ON & OFF. This allows the farmer to apply the right amount of water at the right time, regardless of the availability of the labor to turn valves or motor ON & OFF. This reduces runoff over watering saturated soils avoid irrigating at the wrong time of the day. It improves crop performances and help in time saving in all the aspects. In this paper an ARM LPC2148 Microcontroller based drip irrigation mechanism is proposed, which is a real time feedback control system for monitoring and controlling all the activities of drip irrigation system more efficiently. GSM is used to inform the user about the exact field condition. The information is given on user request in form of SMS. Eg. GSM modem can be controlled by standard set of AT (Attention) commands. These commands can be used to control majority of the functions of GSM modem. GSM serves as an important part as it is responsible for controlling the irrigation on field and sends them to the receiver through coded signals. GSM operates through SMS’s and is the link between ARM processor and centralized unit. The drip method of irrigation has been found to have a significant impact on resources saving, cost of cultivation, yield of crops and farm profitability.
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A Study on Rajasthan Wildlife Tourism: Conservation and Reformation
Rajasthan is one of the best tourists destination in India. The state is well recognized for its tourism on the world map. Whether it is, Wedding Tourism, Sports Tourism, Medical Tourism, Adventure Tourism, Cultural and Heritage Tourism. Rajasthan is always remain as one of the most preferred tourist destination for the foreign tourist as well as for the domestic tourists. The Government of Rajasthan is focusing a lot on the development of tourism in Rajasthan. They are shifting their horizon from the traditional tourism towards the innovative tourism. Wildlife Tourism is one the most important new tourism area which is getting pace in the state .The paper is an attempt to find out the problems which is being faced by the tourists, while visiting the wildlife sanctuaries of Rajasthan. The paper also highlights the hindrances of the wildlife tourism development in the state.
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Application of One of Multi Attribute Decision Making Models for Site Selection of Damp for the Purpose of Sustainable Development Case Study: (BAKHTIARI Basine)
In recent decades, duo to increase in population, demand for reliable water supplies has increased. The situation is critical in places where groundwater is the only accessible water resource and the discharge rate of water is more than the rate of recharge. In such areas, artificial recharge of groundwater is an important management strategy. In establishing an artificial recharge scheme, site Selection is the prime prerequisite and its success depends on the collection and analysis of a great deal of geographic data. The use of ELECTRE in site selection projects allows the decision-makers to incorporate unquantifiable information into decision model. In new researches of site selection multiple criteria decision- makers methods have been considered. In this paper, site selection of artificial groundwater recharges using an integrated method of ELECTRE has been carried out by raster layers in GIS. The result and findings of Research show that in ELECTRE method, zones (3,4) dominated (5) times and defeated (1) time, so it is located in the first rank with (4) points and is the most suitable zone for establish damp. In contrast, zone (1) defeated (6) time and dominated no time, therefore it is located in the last rank with (-6) points and is not the most suitable zone for artificial recharge. And, zones (5, 6, 7, 2,) dominated (4, 2, 1, 1) times and defeated (2, 4, 5, 5,) and located in other ranks with (2, -2, -4, -4) points respectively. Also, zones (7, 6, 2, 1) should be omitted because their defeated times are more than dominated times.
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