List of articles published in the month of May 2016
Table of contents for the month of May 2016
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Mr. Nayanika Singh joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 27th January 2016
We are very happy to announce that from 27th January 2016, Mr. Nayanika Singh has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He/She will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Psychology. Mr. Nayanika Singh working as Assistant Professor & Counselor, Department of Psychology, SUS, Tangori (Mohali, Punjab). The appointment of Mr. Nayanika Singh as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to
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Mr.Muralidhar Kurni joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 22nd September 2015
We are very happy to announce that from 22nd September 2015, Mr.Muralidhar Kurni has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He/She will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Computer Science. Mr.Muralidhar Kurni working as an Assistant Professor, Anantha Lakshmi Institute of Technology & Sciences, Anantapur, A.P., India. The appointment of Mr.Muralidhar Kurni as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to
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Osteoblastoma ankle about a case and review of literature
Osteoblastoma is a rare benign bone tumor, occurring during the second and third decade with a male predominance of spinal preferential seat secondarily the long bones of the limbs, rarely ends Its diagnosis is based on a set of arguments; clinical dominated by doctors located, the imaging objective lyric picture surrounded by sclerotic bone reaction and can invade soft tissues, and especially the pathological examination confirmed the diagnosis highlighting a significant proliferation of osteoblastic cells with the presence of osteoid tissue bathed in a lush and richly vascularised connective tissue. Treatment is exclusively surgical resection is complete and guarantee the prevention of recurrence. We report the case of an osteoblastoma of the ankle in a young adult revealed by localized pain and functional impairment. Standard radiography made was considered completely normal and the persistence of complaints CT was performed but was misleading suggestive of osteochondrosis. This is a pathological examination performed on specimens which helped rectify the diagnosis. The suites in this patient were simple, very satisfactory functional outcome osteoblastoma tumor is easily diagnosed if you think, easy treatment if done right.
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Performance analysis of algorithm using Openmp
Parallel programming represents the next turning point in how software engineers write software. Today, low-cost multicore processors are widely available for both desktop computers and laptops. As a result, applications will increasingly need to be paralleled to fully exploit the multicore-processor throughput gains that are becoming available. Unfortunately, writing parallel code is more complex than writing serial code. This is where the OpenMP programming model enters the parallel computing picture. OpenMP helps developers create multithreaded applications more easily while retaining the look and feel of serial programming. The term algorithm performance is a systematic and quantitative approach for constructing software systems to meet the performance objectives such as response time, throughput, scalability and resource utilization. The performances (speedup) of parallel algorithms on multi-core system have been presented in this paper. The experimental results on a multi-core processor show that the proposed parallel algorithms achieves good performance compared to the sequential.
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Semiconductor device noise and impact on high speed communication circuits
Noise is defined as any unintended signal that interferes with circuit operation. Although this includes spurious signals of human origin or the external environment, this investigation is limited to noise that result from microscopic fluctuations within the semi-conductor components of the circuit. While noise is typically seen as an analog circuits problem, it is believed that noise will become of greater concern in digital circuits as devices shrink, power supply voltages are reduced, and the number of carriers conducted by these devices is reduced. Noise under large-signal conditions is an important consideration in the design of wireless communications circuits. It has an effect on the spectral purity of oscillators and the noise figure of mixers and power amplifiers. The ability to simulate the noise of LC Voltage- Controlled Oscillators (VCOs) makes it possible to predict their performance in these types of circuits. It is then possible to have a better picture of the worst-case performance of these circuits so that overdesign or costly redesigns are not necessary. This paper presents the development and simulation techniques and mathematically accurate models at the component level resulting in optimization of low frequency loading, feedback circuit and emitter degeneration which can help minimize the phase noise in FET oscillators subject to design constraints such as power dissipation, tank amplitude, tuning range, start-up condition, and diameter of spiral inductors.VCO output frequency is tuned by on-chip p /n-well junction varactors. The circuit topology minimizes the amount of fixed parasitic capacitance in the tank circuit. The simulation results show that the proposed VCO can reach the frequency wished to the telecommunication application. Parameters from an industrial0.35 ?m CMOS process are used for simulations. The nominal operating frequency of these oscillators is 2.4 GHz. They are designed to be resistant to supply and temperature effects. This oscillator achieves the necessary temperature and supply independence while being tunable about 2.4 GHz. Using only 2.5V of power supply and 1V of tuned voltage, the circuit shows a simulated single-output sensitivity of 565ppm/°C at 27C temperature and -0.47%/Volt at 2V.
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Study of the cytotoxicity effect of new Cr(III) and Fe(III) complexes of flavon on cancer (Cell Line Hep-2) and antimicrobial activity
A new series of Cr(III) and Fe(III) complexes with the Flavone ligand were studied on the growth of Hep-2 (Human hepatocellular ademocarcinoma ),which is the human larynx cancer cell Line by using in vitro system and compared with anticancer drug cisplatin (cis-pt) as appositive control. The cancer cells were treated with different concentration and cis-pt after 72 hr. exposure time. The cytotoxic activity was tested by inhibition rate as parameter. The results showed significant differences (p<0.05) for each three treatments when the inhibition rates were increased. The synthesized compounds were tested for antimicrobial activity by cup plate diffusion method. The results indicate the enhanced activity of metal complexes over the parent ligands.
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Support Vector Machine and KNN Based Classification for Attack in Intrusion Detection System
This paper describes a hybrid design for intrusion detection that combines anomaly detection with misuse detection. The proposed method includes an ensemble feature selecting classifier and a data mining Classifier. The former consists of four classifiers using different sets of features and each of them employs a machine learning algorithm named fuzzy belief k-NN classification algorithm. The latter applies data mining technique to automatically extract computer users’ normal behavior from training network traffic data. The outputs of ensemble feature selecting classifier and data mining classifier are then fused together to get the final decision. The experimental results indicate that hybrid approach effectively generates a more accurate intrusion detection model on detecting both normal usages and malicious activities.
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The relationship between organizational climate, occupational burnout with Imam Reza Hospital, Kermanshah
Suitable climate, can improve motivation and morale, and participation in decision-making, and increase creativity and innovation in their work and as a resource in providing mental health staff into account. These studies, the aimed to investigate the relationship between organizational climate, and burnout in nurses Imam Reza Hospital, Kermanshah done. This descriptive - cross sectional study, conducted in 2010. Research community, Imam Reza Hospital, Kermanshah nurses were the census, were studied. Collect data, standardized questionnaire Halpin and Craft climate, that the climate of the six dimensions of group spirit, harassed, interest, intimacy consider Gary, spacing, and influence the dynamics are examined, and a standard questionnaire was Meselch burnout. Data collected by the researcher in the present study, the relationship between variables using Spearman's correlation coefficient and chi-square test was evaluated. The findings showed that, 84/3 % of subjects with moderate burnout, and 13/1 percent had severe burnout, and only 2/6 percent had no burnout. On the other hand, organizational climate survey showed that, in terms of team spirit, to 41/6 percent, favorable climate, and only 4/6 percent unfavorable climate, as mentioned. Also, the perturbed 46/2 per cent, of Interest 17/3 percent, in terms of intimacy, see Gray, spacing, influence and dynamics, respectively, with 6/2 percent, 3/7 percent, 2 percent, and 40 percent unfavorable situation was assessed. Meanwhile, the morale of the team, and influence the dynamics of burnout, a significant relationship was observed (0/05> p). However, other climate variables, there was no significant association with burnout. Considering the widespread burnout at different levels among nurses in the study, adverse climate conditions, and also confirmed the relationship between organizational climate and job burnout of nurses in the study suggested, in line with the implementation of measures climate modification, and taking advantage of the favorable climate conditions as an opportunity to reduce burnout and improve the utilization efficiency of the nurses.
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A Non-Isolated modular inverter topology for a DC coupled micro grid
In order to increase the reliability and efficiency of distributed micro-generation a modular grid-connected inverter system is proposed. It consists of a modular DC-DC converter and modular DC-AC converter. Output of the DC-DC converter and input of the DC-AC inverter is connected with a DC bus .The By using the DC-DC converter voltage can be stepped up and Maximum power point tracking can be achieved In this system no transformer is used in the inverter side to inject the voltage into the grid. Here the Voltage is injected in the grid using inductor filter. The practicability of the proposed system has been verified by simulation results.
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