Architecture for Secure Cloud Computing using Garbled Circuits
Cloud computing security challenges for secure outsourcing of data and computations are increasing. Many hardware or fully Homomorphic Encryption solutions exists for Cloud computing security. The hardware based solution is not able to scale and fully Homomorphic Encryption is yet not practically used due to its low efficiency. Client should have trust service provider for confidentiality and integrity of their data and computation. In this paper, we describe architecture for secure outsourcing data and computation by providing confidentiality and integrity. In this architecture, Private Cloud which performs encryption and decryption of data and computations using Garbled Circuit for DNA matching using Levenshtein distance. Public Cloud does processing of operations. Comparison of our architecture with others techniques can be carried for proving its efficiency for secure outsourcing of data and computation. Efficient design can be used for different application where large mathematical computation is applied.
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Crystallization kinetics of In40Se60 thin films for phase change random access memory (PRAM) applications
Chalcogenide based semiconductors have attracted much attention recently due to their applications in solid state devices (SSD). Chalcogenide phase change memory is considered as a potential replacement of flash memory due to its high storage density and archival stability. Phase change non-volatile semiconductor memory technology is based on an electrically initiated, reversible rapid amorphous-to-crystalline phase change process in multicomponent chalcogenide alloy materials similar to those used in rewritable optical disks. In order to view the suitability of a material for PRAM applications, it is necessary to investigate the crystallization behaviour of the material concerned. In the present work, a systematic investigation of crystallization kinetics of In40Se60 alloy has been made. Thin films of In40Se60 alloy were prepared by thermal evaporation using Edward Auto 306 evaporation system. Electrical measurements at room temperature and upon annealing at different heating rates were done by four point probe method using Keithley 2400 source meter interfaced with computer using LabView software. The dependence of sheet resistance on temperature showed a sudden drop in resistance at a specific temperature corresponding to the transition temperature at which the alloy change from amorphous to crystalline. The transition temperature was also found to increase with the heating rates. From the heating rate dependence of peak crystallization temperature (Tp) the activation energy for crystallization was determined using the Kissinger analysis. The films were found to have an electrical contrast of about six orders of magnitude between the as-deposited and the annealed states, a good quality for PRAM applications. The activation energy was determined to be 0.538±0.063eV.
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Diplomatic Asylum versus Sovereignty
In year 2012 the dramatic issue of diplomatic asylum has brought it opposed to the sovereignty. First, grant of asylum to the blind Chinese civil rights activist Chen Guangcheng by United States in April 2012 in the United States embassy in Beijing. Thereafter Chen Guangcheng and his family were issued US visa and then they flown to the United States, albeit under protest from the Chinese government. Secondly, in June 2012 Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was granted asylum by the Ecuador in its embassy in London albeit under protest from the UK government. Assange was to extradite by the UK Government to Sweden where he was facing charges of sexual assault. The UK Government warned the Ecuador to decline this diplomatic asylum otherwise they will terminate the status of Ecuador’s embassy in London. These two incidents have necessitated to regulate the grounds, conditions and extend to grant the diplomatic asylum so that it may not run counter to the sovereignty as well as it may not be misused as shelter of fugitives and criminals or oust them from the reach of judicial system. Further, till date there is no international law on the diplomatic asylum to adequately deal with these situations. It has insisted the author to do analytical research deploying doctrinal research methodology applying null hypothesis that there is no such international law which may provide solution on diplomatic asylum particularly when it run counter to the sovereignty. In section 1 diplomatic asylum has been defined, section 2 traces the growth and recognition of diplomatic asylum, section 3 puts light on the legal basis of asylum, section 4 deals the concurrent international law on diplomatic asylum, section 5 is the grey area of diplomatic asylum and section 6 is the summation.
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Dr. Chandrakant Muktaram Bharambe joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 30th January 2016
We are very happy to announce that from 30th January 2016, Dr. Chandrakant Muktaram Bharambe has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He/She will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Zoology. Dr. Chandrakant Muktaram Bharambe working as Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Malkapur, Dist-Buldana, Maharashtra, India . The appointment of Dr. Chandrakant Muktaram Bharambe as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to
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Dr. Sriram Chandramohan joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 14th August 2015
We are very happy to announce that from 14th August 2015, Dr. Sriram Chandramohan has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Occupational Diseases and Environmental Health Problems. Dr. Sriram Chandramohan currently working as Lecturer in Department of Public Health, College of Health Sciences, Saudi Electronic University, Under Ministry of Higher Education, Government of Saudi Arabia. The appointment of Dr. Sriram Chandramohan as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal.
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Educational Need Assessment of Teachers? Technological skill in Sarpol-e Zahab County
This study was performed with the goal of educational need assessment of teachers? technological skill in Sarpol-e Zahab County in the academic year 2014-2015. The present study has a practical purpose and is conducted with a descriptive-survey method and analytical review. Studied statistical population consists of all teachers teaching in primary school and first and second periods of high school in Sarpol-e Zahab County. Population size and sample size were determined respectively 712 and 124. Statistical population was chosen by stratified random sampling and according to sample size in each grade. The measuring tool of variables was a 56-item questionnaire made by the researcher. It investigated studied teachers? necessary technological skills in two parts of general skills (11 paragraphs) and professional skills (14 paragraphs) and their required competences in two parts of cognitive (14 paragraphs) and functional (17 paragraphs) in a range of 4 levels. Validity of the questionnaire was determined based on the point of view of 10 experts in the field of education and new technologies and its validity was equal to 0.939 for the entire questionnaire based on Cronbach?s alpha and calculation of internal consistency coefficient of gathered data among 50 individuals of statistical population. Data analysis was performed in two parts: descriptive (frequency table, average, standard deviation) and inferential (one sample t test and Friedman test). The results of research showed that teacher?s educational needs in 9 paragraphs of general skills part, in 4 paragraphs of professional skills part, in 2 paragraphs of cognitive competences and in 11 paragraphs of functional competences and totally in 26 paragraphs of studied 56 paragraphs were significantly higher than the average.
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Effects of Exercise on Growth Hormone Concentrations of Male Students in Madonna University
The growth hormone concentrations of 25 male students of Madonna University, Elele within the age group of 19-27years were determined pre and post exercise and compared. Growth hormone levels were assayed using the commercially available Human Growth Hormone quantitative test kit whose principle is based on a solid phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The data generated was calculated statistically using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 17. The result showed significant difference in 4.23 ± 0.90 ng/ml in pre exercise and 15.13 ± 1.83 ng/ml in post exercise (P<0.05).There was significant increase in growth hormone pre and Post exercise at different age groups 19-21years(3.61 ± 0.90 ng/ml and 16.18 ± 4.40 ng/ml), 22-24(2.35 ± 0.77 ng/ml and 14.64 ± 2.09 ng/ml) and 25-27 (9.71 ± 2.91 ng/ml and 14.65 ± 4.14 ng/ml). The study has shown that exercise can affect concentration of growth hormone.
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Fundamental Factors and Small Equity Investor Behavior in Pakistan
This study examines the influence of fundamental factors on small equity investor behavior in the context of Pakistan. The fundamental factors considered in this study are social, political, environmental, regulatory, technological, economic and legal, known as SPERTEL factors. Primary data is collected from individual equity investors from all three stock exchanges of Pakistan. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is used to test the validity of the survey instrument, and structural equation modeling (SEM) technique is used to test the hypotheses. The study documents that overall, small equity investor’s decision making is not influenced by fundamental factors. The study found significant influence of social and political factors on small equity investors’ behavior. However, economic, regulatory, technological, environmental and legal factors have no influence on individual equity investor’s decision making behavior in Pakistan.
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In-service ICT training of Greek primary schools teachers and related factors
The aim of the present study is to investigate the factors related to ICT skills development of the primary school teachers and the usage of it in teaching. Findings of our research study revealed that teachers’ age, their gender and their past experience of ICT training play an important role. Also, their satisfaction from the organization of training and usage of teaching methods and techniques of trainers had a positive influence in their skills and usage of ICT in teaching.
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Interaction between kaolinite and Staphylococcus gallinarum bacteria
Kaolin plays a very signi?cant role in the industrial aspects of life and new ones are still being discovered. It is a unique industrial mineral and very widely utilized in industry and its usage is in?uenced by its functional properties. However, the Egyptian kaolin is hard and massive. It is also low grade so that it needs beneficiation to be suitable for different industries. The kaolin used in most of the industrial applications should have very fine size distribution (80-90% by weight below 2 µm) and should be of high quality especially for applications like plastics, paints, paper industry, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Moreover, great attention in recent years has been paid to the industrial applications of intercalated nano-composites where kaolin or clays are extensively used. Therefore, new technologies must be developed to achieve good separation, especially when treating these finely disseminated particles. One of such recent technologies is the bio-processing where micro-organisms could be used for removing these coloring materials. In this paper, the role of micro-organisms on the surface properties of the kaolin single mineral has been studied through zeta potential and adhesion measurements as well as the adsorption experiments. Complete characterization of both single mineral and bacteria isolated from its surface has been done using XRD, SEM, and FTIR as well as morphological and biochemical identification of bacterial isolates.
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