Application of multilevel shunt active filter to power quality issues in renewable energy sources
The need to generate pollution free energy has triggered the effect towards the usage of wind energy interconnection with the grid. Thus, the wind power plants l interfaced with the grid causes the power quality problems such as a harmonics, voltage sag etc., Active power filters are the powerful tool for mitigation of harmonics. This proposed work describes the methodology for improving power quality of the grid system interfaced with renewable energy. The inverter used this methodology can also be used as a power converter for injecting power from RES to grid along with harmonic compensation. This concept is validated through dynamic simulation using MATLAB/Simulink Power system toolbox.
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Assessment Co2 emission, energy indices and estimating yield in seed and grain corns production in Pars Abad Moghan city of Iran
The aim of this study was to determine greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and indicators for energy use and to evaluate energy sensitivity of seed and grain corn production in Pars Abad Moghan, Iran. The data was collected by a face-to-face interview method from 144 corn farms during 2011 year. Most of energy consumption in seed and grain corns was related to diesel fuel and chemical fertilizers. The net energy, energy productivity, energy intensity and GHG emission were -4688.77 MJ ha-1, 0.06 Kg MJ-1, 16.4 MJ Kg-1 and 1810.11 kg CO2eq ha-1 for seed corn and 58330.63, 0.18, 5.53 and 1490.13 kg CO2eq ha-1 for grain corn, respectively. The percentage share of renewable, nonrenewable, direct and indirect energies were 3, 97, 46 and 54 for seed corn, and 2, 98, 50 and 50 for grain corn, respectively. The highest value of GHG emission belonged to diesel fuel with share of 64.22% and 66.66 % of total emission for seed and grain corn, respectively. An econometric model was also developed to estimate the impact of energy inputs on yield by using Cobb-Douglas production function. For this purpose, seed and grain corn yields were assumed to be functions of energy inputs.
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Assessment of fecundity of fish Macrones vittatus (Bloch, 1794) from Bhategaon Dam, District Hingoli, Maharashtra State, India
Present investigation deals with the assessment of fecundity of catfish Macrones vittatus (Bloch, 1794) collected from Bhategaon dam, Maharashtra during January to December 2011. The mean value of fecundity produced by an individual fish was found to vary between 2562 to 26316. In Macrones vittatus (Bloch, 1794) maximum number of eggs was observed in 162 mm in total length and 30065 mg in body weight, whereas, minimum was observed in 102 mm in total length and 9265 mg in body weight. The relationship of fecundity with other parameters such as Total length (TL), Total weight (TW), Ovary weight (OW) and Ovary length (OL) were found to be linear and non linear and the values of correlation coefficient (r) was 0.92, -0.11, 0.93 and 0.81.
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Dr. Mayuresh Jagannath Baheti joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 11th December 2014
We are very happy to announce that from 11th December 2014, Dr. Mayuresh Jagannath Baheti has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Orthodontics. Dr. Mayuresh Jagannath Baheti currently working as Department of Orthodontics, Rural Dental College, Loni-413736, Rahata, Ahmednagar. The appointment of Dr. Mayuresh Jagannath Baheti as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to
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Dr.Ali Maghol joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 2nd September 2014
We are very happy to announce that from 2nd September 2014, Dr.Ali Maghol has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Management. Dr.Ali Maghol currently working as Assistant Professor in Management, Faculty of Business Management, Islamic Azad University, Nyshabur Branch, Nyshabur, Iran. The appointment of Dr.Ali Maghol as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal.
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Dr.M.Shakila Banu joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from&17th March 2014
We are very happy to announce that from 17th March 2014, Dr.M.Shakila Banu has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. She will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Food Technology. Dr.M.Shakila Banu is currently working as Professor and Head in Department of Food Technology at Avinashilingam Institute for Home science and Higher Education for Women University, Coimbatore. The appointment of Dr.M.Shakila Banu as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to Sincerely Editor-in-Chief
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Emergence and decline of dalit movement in Uttar Pradesh
Dalit movement for social justice is not new; this kind of movements began in South India at least, approximately 100 years before that is in North India. This was comparatively late movement but became historical in its nature because, South India’s movement was against dominant of Brahmins, while they were less in population, but in North India it was against a group of dominants as Brahmins, Chhaktriya, Kayasth and Vaisya etc more number than south India. While this established a Historical achievement as a Dalit lady, Mayawati become the first and fourth times chief minister of Uttar Pradesh in India through Dalit movements. The core agenda of these movements was uplifting of Dalit and social justice but after around decay BSP leadership created a new formula to occupy the political power and she named him “Social engineering”. Actually this social engineering was a tactical and conspicuous move adopted by the BSP. This is a very natural question which raised by intellectuals of both sides whether Dalit or Brahmins, because the emergence of Dalit movement was basically established in beginning against Manuvadi (A system in which Dalit is marginalized in all the area of life) and Brahman supremacy. I tried to understand why BSP, which was anti Brahmans from beginning, diverted their approach and agenda. It is pertinent to share that in Uttar Pradesh, BSP missed a golden opportunity to polarize to OBC, a big chunk of population in own political fold.
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Exploring the Relationship Financial management and Ethical perspective
In today's heightened ethical awareness and increased competitive pressure, the implications of ethical behavior for financial institutions have become a vital determinant of customer loyalty. Ethics and management have long been viewed, if not as being incompatible, at least as being at odds with each other. This has often translated in the field of environmental policy and Management into radical opposition between supporters of economic performance and Environmental lists. It has seemed that the ethics of economics and that of environmental Preservation was themselves at odds. Ethical decisions are not made in isolation and situational factors such as job context, organizational culture, and characteristics of the work itself have been shown to impact the ethical decision making process Ethical behavior is an important aspect for the success of a company, as it influences its relations with various stakeholders. Financial managers are responsible for the difficulty in interpreting sensitive and Exchanges presenting them in the form of financial reports that can be used to evaluate corporate performance is Month interest groups are responsible. Whatever the financial impact (positive or negative) which may be involved by applying a particular ethical policy, it would be possible to reduce those effects by weakening the ethical criteria used or applying them in different ways. For example, by allowing companies into the portfolio which derive only small amounts of turnover from an activity of concern, or by achieving a market sector weighting for the portfolio by applying a best of sector approach? In this paper an attempt has been made to the research vacuum in the corner of the financial manager explained the moral perspective on the quality of financial reporting to be filled. Field research companies in Tehran Stock Exchange are accepted. In this study, the ethical perspective of financial management as the independent variable is the moral status was assessed with a questionnaire. Quality and usefulness of financial reporting used to be correct financial reporting as dependent variables were examined. The aims of the present study include applied research, in terms of how to collect the required data from the standpoint of descriptive and correlation research is considered. For data analysis software (SPSS) was used. Based on the results obtained from the ethical perspective of financial management and financial reporting, there is a significant relationship; It is recommended that companies choose their money managers not only scientific and practical aspects of management should be considered But the ethical aspect of the study is important for managers should pay special attention to ethics and corporate managers have a choice.
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Factor affecting roof leaking focusing on clay roof tile and asbestos roof for Malaysia heritage buildings
The purpose of this paper is to share the findings on the typical problems facing the heritage or old buildings in term of the problem of building leakage scenario in Malaysia. From the problem finding, the paper tabulate a list of potential solutions best practiced by the local waterproofing implementer. It is important for the reader to take advantage on the information of the extensive list of the real case studies pertaining to the building leakage syndrome typically happened for heritage structure in this hot and humid tropical climate. The good thing about this paper is that all the case studies are derived from the real selected projects done by the associated building maintenance contractor for the last 20 years. By identifying the possible factors that cause the leakage, one can take early steps to prevent the same defects form repeating thus saves a lot of money. From the finding analysis, this paper also giving the formulation ideas that can be use for creating a framework to prevent or minimize the building leakage syndrome from happening again. As the old buildings or the buildings that old enough to be considered worth to keep are becoming more valuable to either the central Government or the local council; the analysis from this paper may give some meaningful tabulation on how to maintain these heritage buildings from leakage especially from the roof seepage thus make the property much more valuable to the owner and may give profit to the locality as well.
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Growth and some heavy metals accumulation by vetiver grasses in lead- contaminated soil
Vetiver grass effectiveness for phytoremediation has received wide publicity. Therefore, a pot experiment was conducted to compare metal tolerance and metal uptake of two vetiver grass varieties; Vetiveria zizanioides (VZ) and Vetiveria nigritana (VN) on soil collected from an abandoned Exide battery site. A pot experiment with treatments of different levels of pollutant; 100% top soil, 100% polluted soil, 75% top soil + 25% polluted soil, 25% topsoil + 75% polluted soil and 50% topsoil + 50% polluted soil.Each treatment consists of a pot filled with 5kg of the dumpsite soil and top soil mixture. These were planted with two vetiver grass varieties and were replicated three times. The vetiver grass was carefully uprooted twelve weeks after planting and was analyzed for lead concentration. Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance using SAS 2.0 and the means were separated using Least Significance Difference. The results showed thatVZ had a better growth performance thanVN. Number of tillers and root length were significantly higherfor VZ (7.9, 36.8 cm) than VN (4.0, 23.3 cm), respectively. However, VN had higher uptake of lead (11017mgkg? ?) than VZ (9405 mgkg-1). In summary, both varieties may be well suited for phytoremediation in tropical lead mine areas, but VN could tolerate higher lead concentration than VZ.
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