Information Technology
1. A New Approach for Solving N-Queens Problem with Combination of PMX and OX Crossover Operators | ||
Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh, Isa Maleki and Behnam Zebardast | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Computing and Informatics | Sub Category : Information Technology |
A New Approach for Solving N-Queens Problem with Combination of PMX and OX Crossover Operators
The optimization of the complicated computational problems using algorithms based on population is increased, considerably. In this paper, we use Genetic Algorithm (GA) with a new structure to optimize the optimal solutions to solve N-Queens which is one of the combinatorial optimization problems. For increase the efficiency of GA and prevent from premature convergence, it is used crossover operator. So, to keep the primary population and optimal solution in each generation, it is selected the most fitness population. By performing operations, it is created chromosomes with less conflict. In this case, not only we prevent premature convergence, but also keep the population variety in a balanced scale. In this way, not only we prevent from premature convergence, but also keep the variety of population in balanced way. So, more parts of search space will be explored. The experiment results showed that GA has high efficiency to find optimal solution by combining crossover operators.
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2. A review on software project reliability estimation | ||
Sanjana and P.K. Suri | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Computing and Informatics | Sub Category : Information Technology |
A review on software project reliability estimation
Despite the increased importance of the role that reliability plays in commercial product development, most companies are still unable to produce reliable software. The mission of organizations is to provide innovative products at a competitive price to fulfill the needs of very high expectations highly reliable software products for its customers and to do so ahead of its competitors. This requires focus on customer’s satisfaction and software reliability to ensure that desired factor is built into the software product and enable reliable software to be produced. By optimizing best practices for defect removal, organizations can produce high reliability software. In this paper we focus on some research efforts directed at gaining a deeper understanding of the reliability estimation using different algorithms, approaches, simulation methods for software.
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3. Measurement, Modeling and Analysis of Received Signal Strength at 800MHz and 1900MHz in Antenna Beam Tilt Cellular Mobile Environment | ||
Joseph Isabona and Samuel Azi | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Computing and Informatics | Sub Category : Information Technology |
Measurement, Modeling and Analysis of Received Signal Strength at 800MHz and 1900MHz in Antenna Beam Tilt Cellular Mobile Environment
In Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) mobile environment, transmitter and receiver signals are heavily influenced by the effect of clutter surrounding both the transmitter and the receiver. Therefore the ability to optimize a CDMA system is dependent on the initial system configuration at the deployment stage. This includes the site location, antenna type, orientation, beam-tilt and the choice of propagation model which contributes greedily to a better optimization of the network. The proposed study provides an insight to two live CDMA2000 operators, on the sensitivity of received signals at the mobile terminal to adjustment of antenna beam-tilt angle to maintain good coverage. The operators transmit at 1900MHz and 800MHz frequency band respectively. The investigation was conducted in a series of field-tests. The result obtained from RSS coverage rate analysis, shows that the adjustment of beam-tilt angle to optimum value has great improvement on the coverage of the two CDMA operator networks.
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4. Trouble shoot hardware compatibilities of diagnostic card with solution techniques for mother board repair | ||
Umair Ahmed, Adeel Dilshad and M. Sulleman Memon | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Computing and Informatics | Sub Category : Information Technology |
Trouble shoot hardware compatibilities of diagnostic card with solution techniques for mother board repair
There are millions of computer users around word but only few people have knowledge about diagnostic card, on the other hand if someone has theoretical knowledge then don’t know/understand about the language of diagnostic card. In this piece of work we have tried to resolve issues related to diagnostic card and provided much solution related to routine problems of motherboard. The objective of this research is to provide easily knowledge about the language of diagnostic card so that common user can easily knew that what type of code diagnostic card generated and can resolve the problem in motherboard at its own without consulting to hardware engineer. We have given at home simple solutions about problems related to heating issue of main chip, power supply problem, beep problem, hanging problem, red light problem and processor problem through this diagnostic card.
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5. A low-cost built-in redundancy-analysis scheme for word-oriented RAMs with 2-D redundancy | ||
Sony Rama, Kishore Kumar and P.Rajesh Kumar | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Computing and Informatics | Sub Category : Information Technology |
A low-cost built-in redundancy-analysis scheme for word-oriented RAMs with 2-D redundancy
Built-in self-repair (BISR) techniques are widely used for repairing embedded random access memories (RAMs). One key component of a BISR module is the built-in redundancy-analysis (BIRA) design. This paper presents an effective BIRA scheme which executes the 2-D redundancy allocation based on a 1-D local bitmap. Two BIRA algorithms for supporting two different redundancy organizations are also proposed. Simulation results show that the proposed BIRA scheme can provide high repair rate (i.e., the ratio of the number of repaired memories to the number of defective memories) for the RAMs with different fault distributions. Experimental results show that the hardware overhead of the BIRA design is only about 2.9% for an 8192 64-bit RAM with two spare rows and two spare columns. Also, the ratio of the BIRA analysis time to the test time is only about 0.02% if the March-CW test is performed. Furthermore, a simulation flow is proposed to determine the size of the 1-D local bitmap such that the BIRA algorithm can provide the best repair rate using the smallest-size 1-D local bitmap.
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6. A new solutions for continuous optimization functions by using bacterial foraging optimization and particle swarm optimization algorithms | ||
Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh, Isa Maleki and Behnam Zebardast | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Computing and Informatics | Sub Category : Information Technology |
A new solutions for continuous optimization functions by using bacterial foraging optimization and particle swarm optimization algorithms
Nowadays, optimization algorithm has good efficiency in solving complicated optimization problems. The main capabilities of theses algorithms are the ability to search in very big spaces in short time, escape from local optimal points, low computational costs and easy implementation. Therefore, one of the popular methods for solve complicated optimization is to use optimization method based on swarm intelligence. In this paper, we discuss about Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm (BFOA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) in continuous optimization area and use them in minimizing the number of continuous functions. The obtained results indicated that PSO had better efficiency to solve continuous optimization problems.
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7. A systematic approach and model generation for preventing phishing attacks | ||
Jigar Patel | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Computing and Informatics | Sub Category : Information Technology |
A systematic approach and model generation for preventing phishing attacks
Phishing is one kind of Cyber crime in which phisher is doing online theft of secret information like username, password, credit card numbers etc. from the user. This type of crime growing everyday and also creates lot of social and financial issues. Such type of crime causes the direct or indirect damage to the victim. There are number of anti-phishing solution available today, yet the cases of phishing attacks cannot be removed because of several reasons. Here in this paper the model generated namely Phishing Prevention Model which explain what the causes of phishing are, how the phishing attack has been taken place and how we can prevent it using Cyber law.
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8. SLA assurance in cloud computing: a trust issue | ||
S.B. Dash, H. Saini, T.C Panda and A. Mishra | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Computing and Informatics | Sub Category : Information Technology |
SLA assurance in cloud computing: a trust issue
Most of the organizations are running their applications in cloud due to reliability, scalability, high performance, low band width and trust on cloud service provider(CSP). The cloud service providers provide the services to the registered cloud users on payment basic across the glove. The cloud services are basically categorized as SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS . The services are available to the users depending on cloud deployment and the SLA(service level agreements) between the service providers and the users. SLAs gives a transparent view to the cloud users which includes the delivery ability of a service provider, the performance target of the user’s requirement, the scope of guaranteed availability of the cloud services The main objective of this paper is to provide a clear idea about the cloud service level agreements and the cloud computing models.
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9. Traffic density estimation, vehicle classification and stopped vehicle detection for traffic surveillance system using predefined traffic videos | ||
P. Rajesh, M. Kalaiselvi Geetha and R.Ramu | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Computing and Informatics | Sub Category : Information Technology |
Traffic density estimation, vehicle classification and stopped vehicle detection for traffic surveillance system using predefined traffic videos
In this paper we present vehicle density estimation, vehicle classification and stopped vehicle detection system for outdoor traffic surveillance is presented. It is important to know the road traffic density in predefined traffic videos especially in mega cities for signal control and effective traffic management. In recent years, video monitoring and surveillance systems have been widely used in traffic surveillance system. Hence, traffic density estimation and vehicle classification can be achieved using video monitoring systems. In vehicle detection methods for several review of literature, only the detection of vehicles in frames of the given video. The stopped vehicle detection is based on the pixel history. This methodology has proved to be quite robust in terms of different weather conditions, lighting and image quality. Some experiments carried out on some highway scenarios demonstrate the robustness of the proposed solution.
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10. A survey on anomaly and signature based intrusion detection system(IDS) | ||
Roshni Dubey and Pradeep Nandan Pathak | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Computing and Informatics | Sub Category : Information Technology |
A survey on anomaly and signature based intrusion detection system(IDS)
Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks are evolving continuously. These attacks make network resources unavailable for legitimate users which results in massive loss of data, resources and money. Combination of Intrusion detection System and Firewall is used by Business Organizations to detect and prevent Organizations? network from these attacks. But this combination cannot prevent network from novel attacks as Signatures to detect them are not available. This paper presents a light-Weight mechanism to detect novel DoS/DDoS (Resource Consumption) attacks and automatic Signature generation process to represent them in real time. Experimental results are provided to support the proposed mechanism.
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