Social Studies
1. Coaching Games as Challenging Class of Behavioural Approaches | ||
Saadia El Obadi | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Arts and Humanities | Sub Category : Social Studies |
Coaching Games as Challenging Class of Behavioural Approaches
Coaching is a process that aims to improve performance and focuses on the here and now rather than on the distant past or future. It is based on the helping of a powerful player named the coach to other players named the coachees and the learning of these lasts using some tools to better their lives. In this framework I introduce and study the coaching games as class of behavioural games. I define the utilities of the players related to each the tool of the coaching process and I show that these tools arise the outcomes of the players.
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2. Exploring the Perspectives of Lawyers to Study the Criminal Justice System’s Support of Domestic Abuse Victims in Jamaica | ||
Sonia Burrell | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Arts and Humanities | Sub Category : Social Studies |
Exploring the Perspectives of Lawyers to Study the Criminal Justice System’s Support of Domestic Abuse Victims in Jamaica
Domestic violence in Jamaica can be contextually understood through the lens of radical feminism and social learning theory. The theoretical underpinnings used in this study served to explain the patriarchal social structures, intergenerational transmission of intimate partner violence, and normalization of this behavior. This phenomenological study served to explore and examine the criminal justice system's support of victims of intimate partner violence and results indicated reforms to improve initiatives to eradicate this violent conduct. The data collection method was using semi-structured interviews of 12 lawyers in Jamaica, functioning in a legal capacity as prosecutors and family law practitioners, and analyzed using thematic analysis. The results indicated that the criminal justice system reduces the incidences of domestic violence through punitive measures and support via counseling, mediation, and protective orders. Although prosecutors were quick to dismiss domestic violence cases, victims were reported to be disillusioned with unreasonably long court delays, and violations of protection orders were leniently penalized. The findings indicated that broadly, law enforcement often did not consider intimate partner violence a criminal act, victims lacked privacy when reporting cases, and security checks were not undertaken before allowing victims to return to their attackers. The recommendation is for mandatory and ongoing gender-based violence training for law enforcement, the judiciary, and prosecutors. This study will contribute to existing knowledge and provide the criminal justice system stakeholders with evidence-based findings to transform responses to domestic abuse resulting in positive social change.
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3. Intelligence and National Security In Nigeria Democratic Governance 1999 – 2020 | ||
Adishi, Eric, Baba-Ahmedu Abdulaziz, Anyianabie Aaron and Gbenemene Kpae | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Arts and Humanities | Sub Category : Social Studies |
Intelligence and National Security In Nigeria Democratic Governance 1999 – 2020
Nigeria is currently living in a perilous time and has been adjudged to be the worse place to live on the surface of the earth outside of countries currently experiencing wars and natural disasters. The situation is beyond Thomas Hobbes state of Nature and unfortunately, the intelligence and security architecture to cushion the blood-letting is unabated and comatose, especially since the enshrinement of democratic Governance from 1999 till date. This has instigated some scholars and civil organizations to say that Nigeria is a failed or failing state Captives State, hence lacks its corporate existence. This has dove-tailed or predicated on the assumptions that Intelligence and National Security in Nigeria Democratic Governance is not working as evidenced in series of insecurity recorded since 1999 till date. This has instigated this research work; hence the research was guided by three (3) specific objectives such as, to ascertain the Nature and Extent of Intelligence and National Security Management in Nigeria 1999-2021, to identify and asses how intelligence operations support democratic principles in Nigeria and to proffer strategies on how intelligence can be used in democratic dispensation for robust national Security management. Also three (3) research questions and hypotheses were used to ascertain the said objectives. For its theoretical framework, the study adopted System Theory. Descriptive survey research design method was adopted for the study. A sample size of eight hundred and eighty five was drawn from the population using Taro Yamane and snow-ball sampling techniques. Questionnaire was administered to elicit opinions, attitudes and sentiments on issues asked. Tables, figures, simple percentages were used to analyze and present the data in answering the research questions. The hypotheses formulated in the study were tested using Chi-square (X2) statistical technique. The findings showed that there are diverse range of insecurity incidents and high level of intelligence failure in Nigeria democratic dispensation hence, insecurity pervades the Nation, and that the Intelligence and National Security apparatuses or tactics used is no longer feasible in mitigating the situation and that although democracy does not hinder intelligence operation but has elements of impediment. In all, the study recommends that intelligence should be reformed and re-strategized in line with democratic ethos to pre-empt any external or internal insurgency, terrorism and create a robust National Security Parlance.
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4. Malaria and HIV co-infection in patients attending a tertiary health facility in rivers state | ||
Woke, E., Wogu, M.N. and Nduka, F.O. | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Arts and Humanities | Sub Category : Social Studies |
Malaria and HIV co-infection in patients attending a tertiary health facility in rivers state
Malaria and HIV infections are co-endemic throughout most of the topical and sub-saharan Africa and both present major threat to public health. A study on the prevalence of HIV Co-infection, Malaria interaction and CD4+ count was carried out on 1000 patients attending a tertiary health facility in Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Rivers State using Cyflow cytometer and Microscopy for parasite detection. Five Hundred HIV positive individual were examined for the presence of malaria Parasite and CD4+ count level, Two Hundred and Fifty individuals were used to determine malaria intensity in relation to CD4+ count level in HIV negative patients. The results showed higher malaria prevalence of 38.5% and prevalence according to age showed a higher prevalence of 45.8% among age group 31-40 and a lower prevalence of 31.5% among age group 41-50 at p =0.029. females had higher rate of infection with 20.1% prevalence than males with 18.4% in relation to sex at P=0.333 (P>0.05). malaria intensity had highest prevalence of 50.8% and a lowest intensity level of 16.7% at P=0.033. Hence the study suggest that malaria and HIV co-infection requires special medical attention. Further studies to elucidate the interaction between Malaria and HIV for better management are recommended.
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5. Purchase patterns adopted for hair care products by women in Hyderabad City | ||
Velivelli Vijaya Lakshmi,Varnam Radhika and Geeta munje | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Arts and Humanities | Sub Category : Social Studies |
Purchase patterns adopted for hair care products by women in Hyderabad City
Now a day’s urban women are more conscious about beauty and beauty products. The present study was carried out to know the awareness and frequency of usage of hair care products by women in Hyderabad city through adopting ex post facto research design. By using simple random sampling technique 60 respondents belonged to the age group of 20-40 and another 60 belonged to the age group of 40-60 years who are using hair care products were selected, thus making a total of 120 respondents. Chi-square test was used to test the association between independent and dependent variables. Results revealed that most of the respondents used hair oil followed by shampoos and conditioners. The least used hair care products were hair spray and hair gel. Around ninety-seven per cent of respondents were aware about hair care products. Herbal hair care products were more preferred followed by Ayurvedic and chemical in case of hair care products. Most of the hair care product users got influenced with quality of the products, family members and quality followed by personal experience, Television advertisements, peer group and brand name.
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6. Role of GST– An Analysis of benefits and challenges of Indian Automobile Sector with Special Reference to Passenger Car | ||
S. Priyadeepa and C. Gomathi | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Arts and Humanities | Sub Category : Social Studies |
Role of GST– An Analysis of benefits and challenges of Indian Automobile Sector with Special Reference to Passenger Car
Automobile industries have been considered in India is very largest sector across the globe. This sector involves large number of production involving the bikes and cars annually in order to fulfill their large population. This research paper examines the role of GST by study the benefits and challenges that imposed on the automobile sector. In this Study, 250 passenger car owners’ opinions are collected and analyzed by adopting descriptive research design methodology. The review paper highlights the analysis on the impact of GST which would bring changes in the indirect taxation system of India. This paper has shown the aspects of the automobile dealers for indirect taxation leading to pay the taxes at the specific time. The paper also involves the background and theory of GST and its impact on the automobile sectors in India along with certain repercussions.
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7. Role of Russia (Former Soviet Union) in India’s freedom Struggle | ||
Jahangeer Ahmad Bhat | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Arts and Humanities | Sub Category : Social Studies |
Role of Russia (Former Soviet Union) in India’s freedom Struggle
As Indian masses entered the freedom movement, British changes tack. Shortly after the Russian revolution, the cunning British declared their aim in India, was “gradual development of self-governing institutions with a view to the progressive realisation of responsible government in India as an integral part of the British empire”. Russia first became interested in India?s freedom struggle after the cataclysmic war of 1857. It was sparked by Indian soldiers revolting against the British east India Company. However, it was Trotsky who did many efforts to grant substantial help to India. In fact his writings reveal that he was abreast with India?s democratization and always criticized British imperialist reign over India. Moreover, from Soviet Union the whole leadership made cumulative efforts to unreel India from an oppressive rule of British. Most of the existing published material pertaining to the topic has been studied in order to extract pieces of information that were found relevant for the Research work. Along with that, historical method has been used to have in-depth insight for the background and nature of the India?s Independence Struggle and USSR. An Objectives are to Study how India got inspiration from USSR during and before their freedom struggle and to Study Gandhiji?s approach towards Soviet leaders.
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8. Situating Pot Harcourt: a Multimedia Art in the Arts of Oil, a Cultural History of Port Harcourt | ||
Antonia Okogwu | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Arts and Humanities | Sub Category : Social Studies |
Situating Pot Harcourt: a Multimedia Art in the Arts of Oil, a Cultural History of Port Harcourt
Wearable waste sculptures are sometimes regarded as unimaginable and stretching it further as costumes for performance is another, considering the static nature of Sculpture. This elasticity was further stretched in introduction of Port Harcourt contemporary History in the multi-faceted creation called Pot Harcourt. Forging a relationship between various genres of Art and seamlessly doing so was an attempt in this study that has utilized wearable waste sculptures, oral commentary, Music, performance and History. Integration of these genre of arts were brought together to tell the origin of Port Harcourt, through to the contemporary history where the city is bemused with sooth wastes from industrial pollutions. The Arts of Oil, a Cultural History of Port Harcourt, was a collaborative Workshop of University of Port Harcourt, Institute of Niger Delta Studies and University of Oxford provided the platform at University of Port Harcourt Business School on 26th -27th July 2018. This workshop was funded by the Oxford Martin School. It was conceived in order to produce a ‘state of the art’ account of research on the arts of oil in Port Harcourt. Multidisciplinary papers, literature, photography, art, theatre, sociology, anthropology and history were harnessed within the various arts to bring to fore artists and scholars into creative dialogue about Port Harcourt contemporary History. This paper that has utilized qualitative mode of writing with methodical tools of observation and sculpture studio practices of dicing, piercing stringing and cumulating with movement and music rendition accompanied with descriptive narration in performance. A different vista for sculptures was projected to move away from the classical motionless characteristics of ancient Sculptures to that can be worn for mobile performances. That has situated Pot Harcourt which is like a bowl of salad that compromises various vegetables but delightfully blended by the salad cream to the delight of the consumer which in this case was the Port Harcourt art community as the audience.
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9. Strategic Prudence in Workforce Management in International Airline Alliance Ground Staff Operations | ||
Francis Kofi Kumaka | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Arts and Humanities | Sub Category : Social Studies |
Strategic Prudence in Workforce Management in International Airline Alliance Ground Staff Operations
In the contemporary settings of 2020 and after, international airlines' alliance ground staff operations environment, a possible deficit in the formulation and implementation of effective strategies to ensure a diverse and inclusive workforce has the potential to affect an organization dearly and adversely. From exhaustive review and analysis, some U.S.-based international airline alliance leaders appear concerned with the challenges faced to ensure an inclusive and diverse workforce, as it has deleterious potential to negatively affect corporate sustainability and profitability. Grounded in the transformational leadership theory, the purpose of this single case study was to explore strategies U.S.-based international airline alliance leaders in ground staff operations use to successfully manage a diverse workforce to ensure organizational sustainability and profitability. Data were collected using semistructured interviews in computer-mediated conferencing format with five airline alliance leaders located in the state of Georgia, who held at least 2 years of successful experience in implementing strategies to manage a diverse workforce. Content and thematic analytical approaches served to analyze the data, leading to the emergence of a major theme of the importance of diversity and inclusion. From extensive research and the subsequent analysis of the data, a key recommendation is for airline alliance leaders to align diversity, equity, and inclusion policies with corporate human resources strategy. The expectations of contributing to positive social change are assured in employment, and the context of this study is possible if airline alliance business leaders display the management qualities in fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce, where the employee has opportunities to realize their potential within the enterprise.
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10. The Education and Social Services Situation in Kurdistan of Iran | ||
Bassami Mohammad Reza, Bassami Reza and Moradi Farideh | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Arts and Humanities | Sub Category : Social Studies |
The Education and Social Services Situation in Kurdistan of Iran
Kurdistan area as a of Iran country has an important role in the economy , security and production . Author studies the education and social services situation in this area that includes provinces that they mostly speak Kurdish language. The development pundits believe that expert manpower has a main role in the country development .Population is a symbol of country development. According to these ideas ,the author is searched the role and structure of population in the country and Kurdistan. And using the library research , author studied the migration , marital and engagement situation based on population. And comparing to the world and country and there were significant results. According to these results : based on 2011 census the population was 75149696 people in Iran that in that time the population of Kurdistan was 7077047 people. The population growth in the country was 1.29 and in Kurdistan it was .81 ( less than one percent ). The rural population growth was -.63 in the country and in Kurdistan it was - 1.39 while the urban population growth was 2.14 in the country and in Kurdistan it was 2.05 percent .In this year the population density in the country was 46 people and in Kurdistan it was 60 people . About population structure , the country and Kurdistan situation were nearly the same. And the age group 14 years old in the country was 23.4 percent and in Kurdistan it was 23.5 percent .The age group 15 to 64 years old was 70.9 percent in the country and in Kurdistan it was 71.55 percent and the age group 65 and more was 5.7 percent in the country and it was 5.4 percent in Kurdistan . The most important part of this study is about marriage and migration in 2011 that the marriage rate was 9 percent in the country and it was 9.9 percent in Kurdistan . Also , divorce percent was 1.4 in the country and in Kurdistan it was 1.3 percent . It means that in Kurdistan area the marriage percent is high and it has the least percent for divorce.In the part of migration , Kurdistan has 8.41 percent migration . The most reasons for migration are to find a better job. According to the results in Kurdistan area we have problem about population growth . According to Kurdistan potentials for producing protein , dairy and agricultural – garden productions we can provide a good condition to population growth in the rural area of Kurdistan by suitable investment. Also, we can decrease migration in the area .And the family living pattern that effect on family relationship can be studied by social researchers to decrease divorce and family disconnection.
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